He chuckles lightly. “I’m glad because I’d hate for you to think it was horrible.”

“No, I think it sounds really nice. Wonderful, actually,” I tell him honestly.

Slowly, he lowers his mouth the rest of the way, our eyes lock on each other as our lips touch for the first time. It’s almost euphoric. My entire body practically melts into him, and that’s before he licks along the seam of my lips. And holy crapola, when he does that, I’m pretty sure fireworks actually explode nearby.

The first taste of his mouth is heavenly. Our tongues begin to slide with ease against one another, each stroke kindling a fire that’s burning deep inside me. He must feel it too, because his hands tighten in my hair (heck no, it doesn’t hurt), and he moves me as close as humanly possible to his body. So close that even air can’t pass between us.

That kiss ignites. My hands slide up his chest and wrap around his neck, pulling him until my breasts are plastered against him. It’s the first time I’ve ever wished my clothes would magically disappear. I’m lifting my leg, without even realizing it, wrapping it around his leg, seeking out his touch.

Levi turns us until I’m against the door. One hand slides up the outside of my thigh, gripping and pulling me into him. My hands move upward as I angle my head, allowing him to take the kiss straight past deep and into the category adjacent to pornographic. His hair is just as soft and thick as I remember, and I can’t stop myself from grabbing handfuls of his sandy-blond hair.

The result is a groan and a flex of his hip into the V of my legs. The friction causes my own moan to slide from my lips and into his mouth. We’re half a second away from getting it on in the hallway of our apartment building, and I couldn’t care less. I’m rooting for it, actually.

Suddenly, like a splash of cold water, Levi let’s out a frustrated growl and removes his mouth from mine. We’re both panting and breathless, entwined around each other as if we were one body.

“Confession time,” he whispers, nuzzling my nose with his. “Best. Fucking. Kiss. Ever.”

Again, I find myself speechless. My eyes have a hard time focusing under heavily hooded lids, but I can see the faint smile on his lips. My heart races with excitement, my blood boiling with desire. It’s everything I ever imagined this kiss to be.

And then some.

I’m just about to ask him to come inside with me when he speaks again. “I should let you get inside.”

Ice. Water.

My face must convey my shock and disappointment, because he quickly opens his mouth. “No, no, no. Not because I don’t want to come inside with you, because, angel, I really want to come inside with you.” He smirks at the double implication. “I told you from the beginning that you were different, and I’m going to prove it.”

“So you won’t sleep with me tonight?” I ask, shocked and a little hurt.

“I won’t sleep with you tonight because it was our first date, and you’re so much more than a first date lay. You’re…everything.”

I soften against him as he keeps me pinned against my front door.

“But the second date?” he whispers, licking the shell of my ear. “The second date is fair game, angel.”

Gazing up at him, I say boldly, “Confession time. I’m really, really looking forward to the second date.”

Levi closes his eyes and moans. “You’re gonna kill me.”

Setting my hiked-up leg back down on the ground, Levi runs his hands up my neck and caresses my cheeks. “I mean it. Tonight was the best date I’ve ever had and that’s because it was you. It never felt weird, even when you had your leg wrapped around my waist, rubbing that sweet pussy against my hard cock.” Oh God, cue the blush! “It felt anything but awkward. It felt amazing and so fucking right.”

“It did,” I confess.

“So I’m going to end our night with a much shorter kiss, I’m going to send you into your apartment, and I’m going to eventually fall asleep with the biggest, cheesiest grin on my face, and I want you to know that it was you who did that to me, Abs. You.”

My own cheesy smile breaks out, and I can’t help it.

“Good night, Abigail.”

“Good night, Levi,” I whisper before he brings his mouth back down to mine.

The kiss is much shorter, though it still causes sparks to fly. My body is numb, weightless with giddiness as he slowly releases me and opens my door. I feel the void of his body as soon as we’re apart, my body yearning for his touch, his closeness. “Night,” he whispers one last time before I turn and enter my apartment.

Before I close the door, I whisper my own, “Night.” His eyes never leave mine until they’re separated by the wooden door.

My fingers automatically lock both the knob and the deadbolt. I listen for his door, but it doesn’t come right away. I stand there, my back against the door, and listen to him breathe against the opposite side of the door. I can practically feel him. After several minutes, I finally hear movement. I stand still, refusing to move a muscle, even to look through the peephole. Eventually, though, I hear his door open, and after several more heart-stopping seconds, it finally closes.

Sagging completely against the door, the smile on my face feels as big as the sun. I’m sure it’s just as bright too. I glance around my apartment, making sure that everything is all right, before heading down the hallway. Instead of heading for my room though, I find myself walking towards my office. My computer boots up quickly, and before I know it, I’m staring at the PerfectDate app.