Chapter Sixteen


I bet I haven’t been this nervous a day in my life. Sure, I was worked up on my first ambulance call. Sure, I stared at that blank sheet of paper for what felt like an hour when I took my EMT class. But this? Terrifying.

The only thing that settles my racing heart is how beautiful she looks. Lexi tried to distract me while we waited for Abby to finish getting ready, but it almost did more harm than good. But now? Calmness washes over me as I look over at her stunning face, wearing just a bit more makeup than normal. What really holds my attention now is her outfit. Purple flowy tank top that dips low in the front, granting me a sliver of cleavage for my viewing pleasure. And that skirt. Fuck. It makes me so hard I bet NASA could see the outline of my cock from space. The skirt is shorter than she usually wears, hitting about mid-thigh, which pleases me greatly.

And let’s take a moment to give praise to those legs. Holy. Shit. Has she always had legs that make a grown man sit up and beg? Long, lean, and with a hint of a summer tan. Perfect fucking legs to have wrapped around my waist–or better yet, my neck.

“You really look amazing,” I tell her, moving hair behind her ear.

“Thank you.”

I feel like a shmuck. A complete clueless loser who has no idea how to talk to women. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m finally seeing her–I mean, really seeing her. From the way she’s blushing right now at my compliment, to the light colored polish on her toes, I’m seeing a whole new Abby Summer right now, and it’s exhilarating.

“Ready to go?” I ask, taking her hand in my own. Electricity bolts through my body, making it hard to reel in the gasp that almost slips out of my mouth. Everything with her is practically charged, sexually almost. There’s this new thrill that hits me every time we touch, and you can bet your ass my cock notices.

She nods, almost as if she can’t find her voice. I watch as she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and steels her back. When she opens her eyes, it almost knocks me to my knees. She looks so strong, so fierce, so stunning.

We take the stairs slowly down to the ground floor and into the late-July air. It’ll be August soon, which means the summer tourist season will be drawing to a close. Those who stay at the small bed and breakfasts and the hotels along the Bay, will be leaving in a few weeks. Personally, I’m ready for it to slow down a little bit; the ambulance has been hopping all summer long.

Keeping my hand on her back, I lead her towards my truck. We could probably take her car, which would be easier for her to get in and out of in that skirt, but I want her in my space–wearing that skirt. And it won’t hurt any that I get to be chivalrous enough to help her in and out, right?

When we approach my truck, she gives me a look. “I’ll help ya,” I offer, a naughty smirk playing on my lips.

“Do you say that to all the girls?” she asks with a smile.

“Nope, only you.” And that’s the truth. I’ve never really thought about it before, but I don’t necessarily date. Not in the official capacity. I’ve taken plenty of girls home from bars and gigs, but most of the time I’m more interested in getting them to a bed than trying to be all gentlemanly with my truck. I know, I know. You’re thinking, “Damn, Levi, you’re a dick.” Yeah, I can be, I admit. But never with Abby.


“Turn around.” She glances over her shoulder again before turning and facing me. I smile, bending down and grabbing a hold of her slender waist. Abby places her hands on my shoulders for balance as I lift and set her inside my truck cab. It’s a quick exchange, one I wish had lasted a hell of a lot longer than a few seconds, but I don’t want to maul her within the first ten minutes.

When she’s safely inside the cab, I give her a wink and shut the door. Then because I’m all smooth and shit tonight, I all but run around the front of the truck and hop in the driver’s seat. She offers me a tentative smile as she waits for me to start up the truck.

“So, where are we going?”

“I thought we’d do dinner down along the Bay and then I have a special stop we’re making on the ride back.”

“Sounds good,” she replies, but I can still hear the anxiety in her voice. I need to remedy that real quick.

“Tell me about your day.”

“Well, I worked for a bit to catch up on a big project that was sent my way. It’s a multi-book deal for an author I worked with about two years ago. She was planning to self-publish, but ended up talking to her contact at Stonewell and sent in the manuscript. It was amazing, so we jumped on a deal. The problem is that she was planning to self-publish next month so the entire process is being pushed up to the top of our to-do lists. I have until Tuesday at noon to get the first round of edits done.”

“Wow, that’s pretty rushed,” I say.

“Yeah, and I won’t be able to work on it much tomorrow because we’re helping Payton move.”

“Oh, yeah. Lex reminded me earlier. I’ll be ready to go at eight with my truck. Wanna just ride over together? You know, since we’re going to the same place.”

“That’s fine,” she says, but I catch the hitch in her voice. Glancing over, I see a shy little smile on her lips that she’s trying to hide, and a blush creeping up her neck. God, I love it when she does that.

“I’ll be over at seven-thirty. I’ll even bring that fancy coffee shit you like.” My girl loves those caramel lattes from the coffee house uptown. I’m actually kinda excited to run over and grab her one before our day of moving boxes and furniture for her oldest sister.

“I would be forever in your debt,” she quips.

We make small talk the rest of the way to the small coastal restaurant about forty minutes south of Jupiter Bay, that I’ve been dying to try. Abby doesn’t seem too bothered by the fact that we drove all the way down here for dinner, but it’s close to our next stop.