Slipping on my favorite pair of black wedge sandals, I glance in the mirror one last time. My makeup looks good, especially in light of the fact that I rarely wear more than a little mascara. The outfit is flattering and shows a little more of my legs than normal, but even I’ll admit my legs look slim and a mile long in my sandals.
“You got this, Abby,” I mumble to myself, taking a few deep, calming breaths. “It’s just Levi; you’ve known him since you were ten.”
Yeah, you’ve known him for fifteen years, but you’ve never gone out with him, I remind myself as I step up to the closed door. More deep breaths, in and out. Grabbing the door, I turn the knob and step into the hallway. Their voices are more pronounced now as I round the corner of the small hallway and step into the kitchen.
My sister is talking, but I have no clue what she’s saying. My eyes instantly zero in on Levi, who’s standing there in a pair of dark jeans that hang perfectly on his hips and a black shirt that hugs his arms and chest. His hair is styled a bit on top, but still gives that carefree look I love. Well, love to run my fingers through. I practically start to drool on the spot.
“Wow, you look amazing.” His words infiltrate my brain enough to draw my eyes from his chest to his face. I’m shocked by the intensity that’s there. He has a smile on his lips, which only softens the passion in his eyes a little bit. That look is one I’m not used to seeing on my friend’s face, nor anyone else for that matter.
“Thank you. You look pretty nice yourself,” I say softly.
“Well, I feel like the third wheel in the opening scene of a porno. Since I’m pretty sure you’re not going to ask me to join in–not that I want you to–I’m going to head home,” Lexi says with a forced smile. I can still see her hurt.
Walking up to her, I give her another hug and whisper, “Are you sure you’re all right?”
“Fine, Abs. Don’t worry about me. Go have fun with Levi,” she says back before placing a kiss on my cheek. “Bye, Levi. Be nice to my sister or I’ll have to hunt you down and do painful things to all of your bits and pieces.”
Gasping, I glance over at my friend who’s shielding his manhood with his hand. “Understood. You don’t have to worry about me,” he tells her with a smile.
My eyes are drawn back to my friend as my sister walks out the door, whistling a happy tune. Levi’s eyes are fierce, yet excited as he walks over to me. No, walks isn’t exactly the right word. Stalks, is more like it.
Levi lifts his hand and moves a soft curl from my cheek to behind my ear. “You really look amazing.”
“Thank you,” I croak.
His fingers linger just a little longer than usual on my hair, his eyes searching mine. He must be happy with what he sees because he smiles widely and asks, “Ready to go?”
Not trusting my words, I nod. Bending down, he links his fingers with my own, and pulls me towards the door. Opening the door, he allows me to exit first, but still doesn’t drop my hand. Together, we take the stairs down three flights to his truck.
Deep breath.
You can do this.