“Yeah.” Her voice is hushed and hoarse.

“Are you…thinking of leaving him?” I ask her, my own tears threatening to fall.

“Yeah,” she whispers again.

Without saying a word, I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. Between everything with Meghan over the last several months and now this with Lexi, I’ve seen more sadness amongst my sisters than I ever want to see. Well, except for when our mom died.

We hold each other until the tears subside and we’re both left sniffling. “I can’t believe I just did that to you,” she says, wiping her eyes and her nose on a Kleenex.


“Dumped that on you. Here you are all excited about your night with Levi, and I bring all of my heavy baggage over to weigh you down.”

“In case you forgot, I wasn’t exactly in fine form when you arrived. I was freaking out. What about you? Are you gonna be okay? I can cancel with Levi and hang out with you.” And I would. I’d give it all up tonight to be there for her if she wanted.

“Oh hell no! You’ve been waiting for months for this moment. Hell, years,” she says. “I haven’t made any definite decisions, okay? Promise me you’ll go enjoy your evening and won’t give me a single thought.”

She looks at me with a look that lets me know she won’t buy my adamant denial that I’m about to give her, but of course, I say it anyway. “Fine. I won’t think about you at all.”

We stare at each other for several seconds before we both burst out laughing.

“You are going to knock him dead tonight, you know that, right?”

“I’m not so sure about that. I’m terrified I won’t be able to get past the fact that he’s my friend.”

“I bet you’ll be thinking about him naked by the time the appetizer is ordered,” she quips with a smile. My cheeks feel warm suddenly, and I try to hide my face. “Oh my God, you’ve already thought about him naked!”

“Of course I haven’t.”

“You are the worst liar ever. Ever, Abs. I bet he’s packing some serious heat, if you know what I mean,” she whispers conspiratorially and gives me a wink.

“You’re awful and sound just like Grandma.”

Lexi laughs and says, “No, if I were Grandma, I’d have big handfuls of his ass before the door closed.”

“True,” I say with a laugh as a knock echoes through my apartment.

“Oh my God, he’s here!” I exclaim, taking in my makeup-less face and my clothes-less body.

“Go get ready,” she says, pushing me into the bathroom. “I’ll keep him company until you’re ready.”

Before she can walk away, I pull my twin into my arms and squeeze her tight. “I love you, Lex,” I whisper against her face.

“I love you, Abs.”

And then she turns and heads towards my door, and I slip into my bathroom to finish getting ready.

For my date.

With Levi.

* * *

Listening to the hum of Levi and Lexi talking from the other room has done nothing for my nerves. In fact, you could say it has done nothing but elevate them a zillion notches. My hand practically shook while I put on my makeup, and I had to apply deodorant three times. You know, just in case. Slipping on the light purple tank top and slimming skirt, that I actually bought thinking I would never wear, suddenly makes the entire situation so real.

I am going on a date with Levi.

I know, I know. I’m not trying to fixate on that little fact, but I can’t help it.