“He is?” I ask, never really thinking about it from the other side.


Before I can think much more about it–or put on clothes–I hop off my bed and run into my office. My computer is still booted up from checking email, so I quickly open the app and bring up my last conversation with SimpleMan from this morning. Positioning my hands over the keyboard, I start to type.

AngelEyes: I just wanted to let you know that I have a date tonight. I’m super nervous. I know we just met, but I felt like I needed to tell you. I’m having a great time chatting with you and getting to know you, and even though nothing has gone further than that, I still thought I should at least tell you.

Send. Nerves flow through my body as I wait a few moments to see if he replies. If not, I’ll just check back after I get home tonight. Home from my date. My date with Levi.

Suddenly, bubbles.

SimpleMan: First off, you have nothing to be nervous about. I’m sure whoever is lucky enough to score a date with you knows how fortunate he is that you turned your angel eyes his way. *winky face* And besides, I have a confession too. I also have a date tonight. I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t nervous.

AngelEyes: See!? Even you’re nervous and you just told me not to be!

SimpleMan: Yes, but I’m a man and men are notoriously stupid. Fingers crossed I don’t do anything dumb or obnoxious tonight.

AngelEyes: I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re always very nice and respectable with me.

SimpleMan: Not a bad thing, but not always what a guy is going for, angel.

AngelEyes: *laughs* Anyway, good luck tonight. I hope you enjoy your date.

SimpleMan: You too, Angel. I’m sure he knows already how lucky of a bastard he really is. Check back later for date updates?

AngelEyes: Sure *smiley*

“Well, isn’t that just the nicest. I bet he’s great in bed,” Lexi says dreamily behind me, obviously reading over my shoulder and having no issues with it.

“I haven’t even thought about it,” I snap, shutting down my computer.

“Levi’s gonna be here in like thirty minutes.”

Suddenly, the reality of the situation slams me upside the head. Fine, that was my sister. “Ouch!”

“Are you gonna wear that out tonight? I mean, you look smokin’ hot, but I never pictured you for the lingerie peep on the first date, Abs.”

“Of course I’m not wearing this,” I exclaim as I turn and run into my bedroom. Grabbing the new tank top and skirt I bought last Friday with AJ, I start to dress.

“That’s new?”

“Yeah, AJ talked me into it that day we went for lunch and to the mall.”

“She has excellent taste. I might have to borrow it.”

“For what?” I ask over my shoulder while heading in the bathroom to start my makeup. “It’s not like you’re the one dating.”

Glancing over her shoulder, I see her shrug.

Uh oh.

“What?” I ask, turning my attention to her, waiting her out.

“Things are just…not good.”

“With Chris?”

Tears appear in her eyes. I know how much Lexi has invested into her marriage, but something has definitely been off lately. The others have noticed it too. It’s not like we talk about her behind her back, but we’ve all been very concerned lately. She wants a baby, Chris seems unwilling to get checked so that can happen and focused solely on building his investment business.