“You hate this movie.”

“But I like you, so I’m willing to suffer through the mid-80’s detention drama for you.”

Leaning back against the couch, she glances my way once more. “Thank you.” I just give her a return smile.

“Here, turn and face me and put your feet in my lap,” I instruct, patting my leg.

She laughs as she moves, placing her bare feet on my thigh. You thought my dick was hard before, you should see it now! Even her laughing at me can’t squash this massive boner.

“What are you laughing at?”

“This just reminds me of something AJ said earlier today. She went on a few dates with this guy who ended up with a foot fetish.”


“Yeah, he wanted to suck on them,” she tells me.

Grabbing a hold of one small foot, I give it a gentle squeeze, using my thumbs to dig into the arch of her foot. Her loud moan fills the entire room as the most erotic sound I’ve ever heard. And I’m not even fucking her. Could you imagine if I was? Jesus, the noises I could evoke from this petite, sexy woman is enough to give me wet dreams for life.

“Feel good?” I ask, my voice sounding deep and husky.

“That’s amazing.”

I don’t say another word–shit, I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I keep rubbing one foot and then the other, massaging it and working my way up her calf. There’s a thrill racing through my body just at touching her. Could you imagine what it would be like to finally get her naked in my arms? Yeah, I almost come in my pants.

“And I didn’t even ask to suck on them,” I tease before swiping my finger over the arch of her foot, causing her to kick out. My girl is ticklish, this I know all too well. I’ve enjoyed tickling her on many occasions over the years.

Unfortunately this time, when she kicks, she kicks downward. Straight into my balls. Balls that were already swollen and blue are now…well, more swollen and bluer. I groan out a huff of air, bending down and all but cradling my throbbing balls in my hand.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” she exclaims, jumping up and sitting right next to me. “What can I do?” she asks, completely serious and full of worry.

“Angel, as much as I wouldn’t mind you touching my balls, now’s not a good time. I’m on the verge of throwing up and they’re suddenly not in the playing mood.”

Another blush sweeps up her neck and lands on both cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers.

“I forgive you. Just give me a moment to collect my thoughts.”

“Do you want something? Frozen peas? Tylenol?”

Laughing through the pain, I risk a glance at my best friend. “I’m alright, but I think you should turn and lean your head on me. Put those feet down on the other end,” I say, grabbing a pillow to set on my lap. Mostly so I can protect my balls, but also so she can’t feel the raging hard-on I still have, even after the shot to my twins.

“Are you sure you want me near you?” she teases, turning and getting ready to rest her head on my lap.

“I’m sure. But see if I ever offer to suck your toes for you again,” I say before laughter spills from my chest. She takes a swing at my chest, but misses, hitting the pillow that’s thankfully covering my junk.

“Oh my God, I almost did it again,” she says, horrified.

“Come ‘ere, slugger. Lie down before you make it so I can’t have kids one day.”

And just like that, she’s lying on my lap, putting pressure on my throbbing nuts just beneath the pillow. I ignore it, however, and just relish in the feel of her against me.

We watch most of the movie before she starts to doze off. It’s the perfect opportunity to drink her in, memorizing every curve, arch, and plane of her body. My hand has been rubbing her arm lightly since before she fell asleep, but I can’t seem to make myself stop. Nor can I stop looking at her sleeping form against the brown pillow on my lap. She’s angelic, breathtaking.

And I want her to be mine.

It’s getting late and as much as I’d love to just curl up on the couch again and fall asleep with her against me, I know it’s not the right thing to do. So I gently say her name and move that soft hair from her cheek to behind her ear. Her skin is soft, oh so very soft and I let my finger trail down her neck one time. Following the collar of her shirt, my finger traces her shoulder and around to her upper back.

She shivers against me and I know she’s awake. Yet she doesn’t say anything or move.