“Big plans tonight?”

“Abby’s coming over,” I tell him, kicking back and extending my legs beneath the table.

“When are you gonna quit pussy-footing around it and just take her out on a real date?”

“What makes you think I’m not leading up to that tonight?” I taunt him, my eyebrows raised.

“No shit?”

“Well, it’s not an official date, but it’s a start.”

“So you just snapped your fingers and she fell in line?”

“Fuck no. When has Abby ever just fallen into line?” I ask, really trying to think of an instance and coming up empty.

“True. She’s always had you by the balls, man,” he says with a laugh.

“We’ll just see how tonight goes, all right?”

“I hear ya. Just be careful.” He gives me a straight, serious look. “I know she means a lot to you, and you’re afraid of fucking that up.”

“Tell me how you really feel, Dr. Phil.”

“Shut up. All I’m saying is go all in or not at all. That chick has always meant more to you than any other. Treat her right or you’ll lose her.”

He isn’t telling me something I don’t already know. It’s weird to hear it come from another friend, though. I thought I had been doing a better job of hiding the foreign feelings I’ve had for her recently. Apparently, I’m a piss-poor actor.

“I know. I can’t wait for something like this to happen to you one day,” I tell him, scarfing down my second dog.

“Not gonna happen. Why settle down with one piece of ass when you can have as many as you want?” His smirk reaches from ear to ear.

“Oh yeah, it’s definitely gonna happen. I can’t wait.”

“Fuck you,” he retorts, throwing his empty wrapper at me.

“Fifty bucks says you’ll be proposing by this time next year.”

“You are off your rocker, dumbass. Ain’t no way in Hell.”

“We’ll see,” I reply, giving my third hotdog my full attention.

If only Tucker knew I’ve been watching how he interacts with Heidi, an ER nurse at the hospital. He tries to play it off as casual, but he’s not fooling me. His eyes are always seeking her out or they’re following her ass around the emergency department. The fact that he hasn’t slept with her is enough to prove my point. Tucker lives his life by his balls, and if he’s not sleeping with someone and the interest is there, that’s telling.

Ol’ Tucker’s gonna go down hard.


* * *

Five ‘til seven, there’s a short knock on my door before it opens. Even if I hadn’t heard her enter, I’d know she was here by the way the room shifts and my body reacts. I’m already carrying a club in my pants and she hasn’t even entered the kitchen yet.

“Hey,” she says as she steps around the corner from the front entry.

“Hey. I hope you’re hungry,” I tell her, setting the rest of the silverware down on my kitchen table.

“Starving,” she responds, setting her keys and phone on the counter. “Ever since I got your text this morning, my stomach has been growling.”

“Well, I hope your stomach is impressed with dinner tonight. I’ve got salmon and vegetables on the grill and rolls in the oven.”