Chapter Fourteen


My plan has been in place for a week now, and I’m really just getting into the execution phase. I’ve been spending time off and on with Abby, while still maintaining my work schedule and my band practice schedule. It’s Friday night and I’ve been thinking about what I want to do for the last several days. Time to put the plan into motion.

Grabbing my phone, I shoot off a text.

Me: Plans tonight?

She responds right away, even though I know she has spent the day with one of her sisters.

Abby: Big date with The Brady Bunch.

Me: Not anymore. Be at my place at seven.

Abby: Why?

Me: It’s a surprise. No questions, no excuses. Be here. Wear something comfy.

Abby: You’re so weird. Not even a hint?

Me: You like my weirdness. Not even a hint.

Abby: Fine, I’ll be there. How comfy? Yoga pants and a no bra kinda comfy? *winky face*

Me: Whatever floats your boat, angel. Just be here.

Abby: Seriously, how comfy is comfy?

Me: Comfy.

Abby: You’re completely impossible sometimes.

Me: Another of my endearing qualities you love so much.

She doesn’t reply for a while, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t watching for those little bubbles on my phone to appear. Just when I start to get a little sweaty, I finally see them.

Abby: It’s more of a high tolerance because I’ve known you so long.

I laugh, almost picturing the way she’d smile at the phone while she typed that response.

Me: I appreciate your high level of tolerance. Seven.

Abby: I’ll be there. In my comfy clothes.

Smiling, I set my phone down and throw on some running shorts. If I’m going to spend a few hours with my gorgeous best friend without touching her, I might as well burn off some of this excess energy and sexual frustration with a run. If I had my way, there’d be a lot more of the sexual part and less tension. But that’s not gonna happen. I’m bound and determined to do this right and not jumping into bed with her is key.

Even if it kills me.

After running, I end up calling Tucker and having lunch. We’re on the rig together this weekend, so I’m sure he’s fucking around today like me. Though, I doubt he has the same plans as I do tonight. Tuck’s more of a love ‘em once and leave ‘em kinda guy. You know, like I used to be.

I meet him at the hotdog stand by the Bay, one of our favorite joints in town. It’s popular amongst residents and visitors alike. He’s already there, waiting in line to order when I arrive.

“Hey, man. Watcha want? I’ll buy today and you can get tomorrow night,” he says as I step up beside him.

“Three Chicago dogs and a bottle of water.”

When our order is placed and we’re given a number, we head over to find an open picnic table. There’s someone at every one, so we pick a table with a couple on one end and take the other end for ourselves.