“You are not boring,” she says, as we walk to the counter and set our purchases down.

“I’ve got this. We’ll call it the birthday present I haven’t bought you yet,” I tell her as I give the sales lady my credit card. “Anyway, I can’t do that. It would be weird.”

“It would only be weird if you let it. Besides, how do you know that he’s not going to ask you out?” she asks as she takes our bags from the lady.

And that’s when the panic starts to set in. What if Levi asks me out? Am I supposed to say yes? What happens if we go out and realize we’re only supposed to be friends? Do you know how hard it is to find real friends in this day and age? What happens if we ruin our friendship with one single date?

“Whoa, cowgirl, slow your horses. I can practically see your brain hemorrhaging with worry. Don’t go there. Just relax and see what happens. I’ll be honest, I and all of our sisters think there’s something more than friendship brewing between you two.” I raise my eyebrow. “Oh, don’t act so shocked. You two were practically dry-humping in the mud a few weeks ago. Anyway, don’t let fear rule you, okay? You owe this to yourself and to him to give this a shot, if the opportunity arises. And I really do think it will. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Don’t get all tied up in your own head.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re all carefree and easy.”

“I’m not that easy, despite what Lexi says,” she quips with a smile.

And just like that, the conversation turns away from the seriousness of Levi and back into the familiar, laid-back feeling I always have with my sisters. There’s no stress, no worry, no deep thoughts; at least none that usually center around me.

Just the way I like it.