Glancing over, I give her a look. “You don’t know?”

“Nope,” she says in a huff as she picks up a doll dress from the ground. “I don’t know because I left without inviting him.”

“You didn’t invite him? Today?”

“Nope. He barely shows interest in going anywhere with me anymore, so I just decided to avoid the entire discussion. I would have just gotten some stupid excuse that he has a policy to write, or a client to take to lunch. I’m over it, Abs. Like really, really over it.” She finally stands up and looks at me. Her eyes are filled with tears and my heart breaks a little more for her. My twin sister has had her share of ups and downs with her husband, but lately, there seem to be a lot more downs.

“What are you saying?” I whisper, making sure no one is around to overhear.

“I don’t know,” she grumbles, throwing the doll dress down on the table. “I just…I don’t know how much more of this I can handle. He won’t talk to me, and when he does, he just keeps assuring me that everything is fine. It’s not fine, Abby. Not by a long shot.”

“You know I’m here for you if you need me, right?”

“Of course, I do,” she says, wrapping her arms around my neck. After a brief hug, we both pull away. “How’s the Internet dating going?”

Glancing around again, I turn my attention back to her. “It’s going. I’ve talked to a few guys who seem nice. There’s potential there for a date. One is really pushing for it. But there’s this other guy, SimpleMan, and I don’t know, I just really feel a connection with him.”

“Yeah?” she asks, her green eyes brightening for the first time since we started our conversation.

“Yeah. We haven’t talked about meeting up or anything, but I can see it leading there. We talk every day. Like multiple times every day.” I can’t fight the smile on my face.

“What about Levi?” my sister whispers, glancing over her shoulder.

“What about him? We’re just friends, and even if I wanted more–which I don’t–he’s not interested in me that way.” I throw in a shoulder shrug for good measure.

“Well, I think you’re wrong, but I guess time will tell. I will say that this dating thing must just be the kick in the ass he needs, Abs.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, if he sees you dating, he just might realize that his feelings for you go way deeper than just friendship.” She crosses her arms at her chest and gives me a pointed look.

“Or he may realize that we’ll always be friends and he’ll be just fine with me dating,” I reply, mimicking her pose.

Her smile is the only comment I get. We stare at each other for several moments, my face remaining impassive and stern, while her face becomes brighter and full of mischief. “Levi!” she bellows over her shoulder. It doesn’t take long before my friend walks up to where we stand.

“Yeah?” he asks, concern written all over his handsome face.

“You’re okay with Abby dating, right?” His entire body tenses. “I mean, you guys are friends and you’d never want to deny her the happiness she deserves, am I correct?”

What a horrible, evil sister she is.

“Uhh, yeah,” he says, running his hand through his hair like he always does when he’s nervous or upset. “Sure. Abby’s happiness is the only thing I want.” It’s like the words bite him as he says them.

“See! Levi wants you happy like I do. Schedule those dates with all of those guys you’ve been talking to.”

“Guys?” Levi asks, turning those hazel eyes my way.

“Oh, yeah. Lots of guys. Tons of them. She’s been inundated with date requests lately, and has been a little nervous to go. I think she should reply to them all. Every one of them. Don’t you?” she asks my friend, her face dripping with sweetness.

Levi, on the other hand, looks like he’s caught between horror and anger. Both emotions battle for the lead, and I’m not sure which one is out front. “All of them?” he whispers hoarsely.

“All. Of. Them.” I stare, dumbfounded, as my sister manipulates my best friend.

“I mean, you don’t want to seem too eager,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

“Maybe, but you don’t want to let any of the good ones get away either. I mean, you date lots of different women, and I might be wrong, but it seems like the girls that are the most eager get moved to first in line.” Lexi smirks at him because she knows she has him. Levi never has to work for a “date.” Women are always throwing themselves–and their panties–at him.

He looks as uncomfortable as a hooker in church as he runs his hands repeatedly through his hair. There’s a flush to his cheeks and he’s struggling to keep his temper in check. Why, I’m not sure, but it’s something that I don’t miss nonetheless. Unless there may be something to what she was saying earlier…

“I guess if she wants to date, she can. I mean, she should. She should be happy,” he concedes, looking completely defeated, yet trying to put on a brave smile. But I see it. I can tell it’s fake.

“Good,” Lexi says, turning to face me. She’s smiling widely, while I can only stare back at her completely in awe and shock. “As soon as you get back tonight, you should message them all!” she exclaims.

I can’t answer her, so I just raise an eyebrow. There’s also no need to worry about Levi seeing my response since he’s staring a hole into his shoe. Without another word, my ornery sister winks at me, and heads to gather her belongings.

There isn’t much speaking between us as we follow suit and head towards our cars. He helps me load my empty slow cooker in the passenger seat and turns to face me for the first time since the awkward conversation in back with Lexi. “I’ll follow you.”

Direct and to the point.

“Okay.” After giving my family hugs, I pull out of the driveway, my best friend hot on my heels.