Sunday brings a cookout at Jaime and Ryan’s place. It’s two when my alarm wakes me up from a dead sleep, giving me six hours of slumber. Good enough for me. Crawling out of bed, I jump in the shower so I don’t smell like ass and gather up the mini fruit crepes I made last night before heading in to work. I won’t be there as early as the girls, but will still make it in plenty of time to eat with the gang. If I had to guess, they’re probably engaging in some sort of rivalry game of horseshoes or beanbags.

They’re crazy competitive, even though my Abby is probably the least aggressive of all of them. Payton and Lexi take the crown on that title, for sure. Meghan’s just as laid back as Abby, but without the shyness. AJ’s full of the Summer spirit and has plenty of fire. Jaime too.

Abby’s spirited, but it’s not as well known. She keeps a lid on it, only pulling it out when dealing with her sister or when we’re together. There was a time in high school when I dared her to run around my house in her bikini. Any other girl would have stripped down in a heartbeat. Hell, maybe even had left the bikini in my room with her clothes.

But not Abby. That’s why I made the bet, because I didn’t think she’d do it. After losing (and frankly, I don’t have a clue why we even bet anymore), she showed up at my place, donning a bright pink bikini beneath her clothes. I was completely aroused when she came out of my room, her entire body flushed, and headed towards the front door. I’ve never wanted to slow time as much as I did the day I watched my best friend run around my house in a borrowed bikini.

Oh, did I mention it was January? Chilly enough to catch a cold, but not enough to kill the boner in my pants. That was just one of many of the Abby-inspired hard-ons I’ve had. I realized that day that my best friend was fucking gorgeous. She hid behind big shirts and long pants. Her shorts were–and are–always sensible and modest, never too short – and her boobs always tastefully covered.

But I’ll never forget that day. The day Abby showed me her sassy side.

Pulling into the driveway leading to Ryan and Jaime’s place, I find the entire family already there. Brian’s car is even there, which makes me smile. He’s been working a lot less lately and spending more time with Meghan. After Josh’s death, her dad stepped in and is doing everything he can to help her out, including just being there when she needs her dad.

I grab the container of fluffy desserts and head around the house towards the backyard where I know the family is gathered. The first person I run into is Ryan. He’s turning off the hose, kicking water out of his shoes.

“Hey, man. What the hell happened to you?” I ask, nodding towards the remnants of mud all down his leg.

“My girlfriend and her sisters happened. There I was, minding my own business, when they decided they wanted to play mud volleyball.”

“It hasn’t rained in the last two weeks,” I remind him with a smile on my face.

“You would be correct. So Jaime got out the hose and turned the old garden area behind the garage into a mud pit.”

“Sounds kinky,” I laugh.

“You’d think, except when it’s six girls, and they’re all related and so competitive that they’d sooner tear your eyes out than let you win anything, it kinda kills the fantasy,” he says while shaking water from his shoes. “Anyway, Jaime hollered at me to come see and the next thing I knew, I was ankle deep in mud and it was being flung at me.”

I can’t help it, I laugh. “So where are they now?”

“Behind the garage, acting like children.”

“And Brielle?”

“In the middle of the mud pit in a pink dress, refusing to get out.”

Laughter comes from all around. I hear it filtering from behind the garage, it comes from Brian who just walked up to shake my hand, and it bellows from Dean, who’s videotaping the muddy antics on his phone.

“I have to see this,” I say, setting my dessert down on the table.

When I walk around the corner, I’m completely stricken in place by the sight. The small volleyball net is set in the middle of the square, which isn’t big enough to really play the game on. Something tells me they just don’t care. Payton, Abby, and Jaime are on one side of the net, while the other three man the opposite side. Brielle sits directly where Ryan said she’d be: in the middle of the court, right below the net. She’s playing with a Barbie doll, giving her a mud dress.

Everyone is completely wet and covered in mud. They’re all in t-shirts and shorts, but it’s the way Abby’s shirt molds to her body that has my full attention. Her long hair is pulled up in a ponytail, high on her head, and her face is streaked with mud. Those long legs that were entwined with my own only a week ago are covered in drying mud, her feet bare and caked with brown.

I’m hard. Like harder than the oak tree in the middle of the yard kinda hard.

“Better put that hard-on away, boy, before it falls out and beats someone on the top of the head,” Orval snaps as he walks up and stands beside me.

“What?” I ask, flabbergasted and unable to hide my smile.

“Oh, you heard me. I know a chubby when I see one. Hell, I’ve got one now thinking about my Emmie coming over and playing in the mud with me.”

My bark of laughter draws Abby’s attention. The smile she gives me is as warm as the sun, yet hesitant. We haven’t seen each other very much since I woke nestled against her amazing chest with my morning wood begging to be played with. For me, it’s a combination of busy with work and trying to squash the lust I’ve developed for her before I see her.

Gauging by the way my dick is crawling out of my pants to get to her, I’d say it didn’t work.

I have talked to her via texts, but also through the dating app. Of course, she doesn’t know that’s me, but whatever.

“Thank God Jaime has a brown thumb and wasn’t using the garden, otherwise her vegetables would definitely not be fit for consumption,” I quip, watching as the girls try to keep the ball from hitting the ground.