Then the bubbles appear.

SimpleMan: I’m in public service. You?

Vague, but he doesn’t know me well yet, so I won’t press for more information. Instead, I type out my response.

AngelEyes: I’m an editor for a publishing company in New York. I get to work from home.

SimpleMan: Cool. Does that mean you get to hang out in your pj’s all day long? *winky face*

I should lie, shouldn’t I? I mean, no man wants to know that the woman he just started talking to on a dating site is still in yesterday’s comfy clothes, hasn’t showered, and might still smell like her best friend that she copped a feel of this morning. Especially if it’s a male best friend. Though, I’m not sure it would be much better with a female best friend, right?

AngelEyes: Something like that *smiley*

We end up chatting for the next thirty minutes, and before I know it, it’s way after my starting work time. I should have logged in ten minutes ago, and if I’m not careful, I’ll find an email from my boss in my inbox, concerned that something is wrong.

AngelEyes: It has been great getting to know you, SimpleMan. I’ve got to get to work.

SimpleMan: Sorry to keep you! Hope you’re not late. It’s been great chatting with you. Any chance you’ll be on again later?

Do I want to be on later? Before I can reply, he shoots me another message.

SimpleMan: I have to work later, but I’ll try to pop on and say hi at some point. Have a great day, AngelEyes.

AngelEyes: You too. Talk to you later.

I’m breathing hard, like I just ran a mile. My heart races with excitement and nervousness at the prospect of getting to know SimpleMan on a more personal basis. It’s weird because I haven’t thought about Levi for the last forty minutes or so, but the first thing I want to do when I log off the computer is call him and tell him all about SimpleMan.

Oh, the muddy waters in which I swim.