Chapter Nine


As soon as he’s out the door, I want to combust into flames. Why do the most embarrassing things happen to me? Well, I guess, technically, Jaime might have that title after all the crazy things that happened to her when she was first dating Ryan, but I’m definitely coming in a close second.

He couldn’t get out of the apartment fast enough.

Away from me.

Jumping up, I run to my room to get ready for the day. I can shower at any point, but I’ll at least log on and check email and my schedule for this week. My assignment will take my full attention, which is typical. When I get a manuscript from my boss, I always give it everything. Cutbacks over the last few years affected our publishing company, as well as many others. With all of the e-retailers allowing anyone to publish, they call them Indie Authors, well, it’s taken its toll on the publishers–big and small.

It was my attention to detail and my ability to turn around an assignment quickly and efficiently that ultimately secured my job. There were other editors who had been with Stonewell longer than I had, but took too long to turn around the product.

As I boot up my computer, I find notifications on my brand new app. It stares back at me from my desktop, taunting and assuring. I hover over the email icon, but find myself moving the mouse to the PerfectDate app. Without thinking, I click.

The sign-in page appears. I input my username and password. Sign In.

While the page loads, my bladder reminds me that I haven’t emptied it yet this morning. In the bathroom, I go ahead and brush my hair and teeth before heading into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee. Of course, pouring the cup only reminds me of the man who started the pot for me this morning. He’s always right there, never far from my thoughts.

Cup in hand, I head back into my office and get cozy in my chair. There’ll be time for a shower and change of clothes later. Right now, my curiosity is piqued and I need to see if this stupid site has matched me with my perfect date. Pun intended. Hardy, Har, Har…

Three new messages and two thumbs up. Well, that’s encouraging.

The first message is from a guy named DanTheMan. I choke on my hot coffee when I read his opening line. Beauty is a rare gift and I can’t wait to treasure the shit out of you. Is he just stating that I’m beautiful and he’ll spend the rest of his life treasuring me? Or is that some sort of sexual innuendo and his idea of treasuring me is with his peen?

Help me, Lord, I don’t think I can navigate this landmine that is Internet dating.

The next message is a little more cut and dry. Hammer&Nails is a carpenter by trade and enjoys quiet dinners at home or along the Bay. Okay, I’m intrigued. His message to me is that he thinks I’m pretty and would love to chat a bit more with me. He’s from Ridgewood, which isn’t too far of a drive, so if it ever came to the point where we decide to meet, it’s within a short drive. So I send him back a casual reply, and wait.

The third message grabs my attention as soon as I see his user name: SimpleMan. My mind instantly goes to Levi. Dammit! Why do I have to think about him right now? Pushing him out of my mind, I click on the message. It’s a warm greeting and doesn’t hint at any sort of sexual reference. Before I can even think about it, I’m already replying.

AngelEyes: Hi. It’s nice to meet you, SimpleMan. Your name jumped out at me right away. It reminds me of a friend whose favorite song is “Simple Man” by Lynryd Skynyrd. Does the name have special meaning?


Yeah, so much for not thinking about the pesky best friend.

A few moments later, the little bubbles appear, letting me know he’s replying.

SimpleMan: Hey. Actually, your friend must have good taste in music. It’s one of my favorites too. I’m a huge fan of all kinds of music, especially Skynyrd. You?

AngelEyes: Me too. I listen to country mostly, but enjoy rock music, thanks to a friend who’s in a band.

SimpleMan: Excellent choices. What about your user name? Is that just a reference to your amazing green eyes or does it mean something else?

AngelEyes: Thank you for the compliment. It’s an ode to my favorite song.

SimpleMan: *types out a few lines from the song*

AngelEyes: Did you sing it while you typed it? *Smiley*

SimpleMan: Of course! That’s the only way.

I smile at the screen, surprised at how easy this whole Internet dating thing is. Settling into my chair, I continue to type.

AngelEyes: Can I ask what you do?

There’s a significant pause, and that makes me nervous. I go from thinking that talking to SimpleMan is super easy to wondering if I’ve crossed some invisible Internet dating line and you’re not supposed to ask about the profession. Is that a thing? Like asking women their weight? My God, I’ve already messed this up, haven’t I?