“Gross. Why is there a flower called pussy willow?” Meghan asks.

“It’s not even a flower. It’s a plant. It’s actually called the Salix Discolor, and they grow wild along ditches and places where water gathers.”

“But why pussy willow? They look more like cocks than pussies.” Lexi looks deep in thought as she contemplates the answer to her question.

“Why are we talking about this?” I ask.

“Because our grandparents always talk about the sex, and they’re rubbing off on us,” Jaime says. We all giggle at her reference of the sex. It’s how Grandma always refers to it.

“Poppies are fairly popular though, right?” AJ asks, taking her shot at the basket.

“Yeah, if you like hairy ball sacks. Grandma always says they look like balls.”

“Or vaginas! Don’t forget that everything looks like a vagina,” Meghan adds through her laughter. It’s so nice to see her smile.

Our grandparents helped raise us, and are the most inappropriate couple on the face of the planet. Their constant groping, mixed with language that would make a sailor blush, makes them over the top in the PDA and embarrassment departments. But we love them, even with the constant mortification that follows in their wake.

Our dad, Brian, is amazing. When my mom died sixteen years ago from ovarian cancer, it took a toll on everyone, especially him. He was left alone to raise six girls ranging from nine to seventeen. But he did it. Sure, he had the help of our grandparents, our mother’s parents, but he made sure to stay an active part in our lives. He took a job flying private planes that didn’t take him away as much as the commercial jets, he did everything he could to attend ballgames, dance recitals, and award assemblies. He rarely missed a milestone and has remained very much a part of all of our lives.

My sisters all talk over each other, laughing at stories and teasing each other mercilessly. We’re brutal in a pack, competitive by nature, and loyal to a fault. I’m second to youngest of six girls. Yes, all girls. I’m also a twin. I can see you now, panicking at the thought of trying to keep all of us straight, so I’ll try to help you out and keep it simple.

First, there’s Payton. She’s the oldest and owns Blossoms and Blooms, the small floral shop in downtown Jupiter Bay. She’s also getting ready to move in with her boyfriend, Dean, and his daughter, Brielle. I adore that little girl. She’s the first child in the Summer family, even though she’s technically not flesh and blood. But that doesn’t matter to us. She’s already as much a part of the family as if she were actually born into it.

Up next comes Jaime. She works for Addy’s Place, a program where kids who come from hard situations can go after school for help with homework, a healthy snack, or just to hang out socially. She’s dating Ryan, though my sisters and I all expect a proposal soon. They live together with their deranged cat, Boots.

Third is Alison, or AJ. Teacher. Coach. Smartass. She’s one of the remaining single ones, and I don’t foresee that changing anytime soon.

Meghan. Oh, sweet, heartbroken Meghan. It’s hard to talk about Meg. She’s fourth in line, and recently lost her fiancé in a car accident. Josh was…everything to her, and our family. She’s learning to navigate a new normal right now, and all we can do is be there for her when she needs us.

As I mentioned, I’m a twin, so that leaves Lexi. Alexis is my mirror image, even though we are nothing alike. She’s fierce and feisty, and loves to stir the pot with her big wooden spoon. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, Chris, but there are rocky waters there.

She’s also my other half. When I need to talk, to cry, to laugh, she’s my first call. Lexi and I share a special bond that most don’t quite understand. I mean, we shared womb space for nine months; that’s something pretty gargantuan.

Then there’s Levi, but we don’t need to get into him right now. I’m here tonight to have a good time with my sisters and don’t need the distraction of letting my mind wander in his direction. Just know that he’s my friend.

My best friend.

And I might be a little bit in love with him.