Levi turns towards the door. “I’ll be back.”

“You’re leaving?” I panic, my words rushed. Did I really piss him off that much with this whole dating site thing?

He stops at the doorway and turns back to face me. Ignoring my sisters, he keeps his eyes trained only on me. “I forgot something at my place. I’ll be right back, I promise.” He throws me a quick grin before walking out of the room. I hear the sound of my door closing a few moments later and finally exhale the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

“That was kinda hot,” AJ mumbles.

“Stop it. We’re friends. We still fight and argue, just like we all do.”

“That was like sexual tension at its finest,” Lexi smirks.


I glare at AJ.

“Whatever. Anyway, it’s time for you both to go. I’m gonna get ready for dinner and then it’s a big night of watching television and eating chocolate chip cookies,” I say, leaving my office and hoping they both follow.

When I reach the living room, both sisters hot on my heels, I turn and face them.

“Promise me you’ll communicate with some of those guys. You don’t have to meet up with them right away, but just talk. You know, get to know them,” Lexi says.

“Fine. I’ll check my profile for contacts again before I go to bed.”

“Good,” AJ says before leaning in and giving me a tight hug. As soon as she pulls back, I’m engulfed in another equally big embrace from my twin.

“Call me tomorrow and let me know how it’s going,” she instructs.

“Yes, we’ll expect daily updates,” AJ adds.

“Daily? Can’t I just text when something actually happens?” I ask.

“That too, but for now, I want to know how it’s going every day,” AJ replies.

Conceding, I finally say, “Fine.”

A few minutes later, my sisters are gone and I’m left alone in my apartment. All around me I see traces of Levi, from the slow cooker of yummy chicken wings on the counter to the fresh tray of my favorite cookies on the table. Since he’s being a butt, I go ahead and help myself to a cookie. Taking a big bite, I groan out load, the warm gooey chocolate melting over my tongue. This man is deadly in the kitchen.

Walking over to my television, I find the movie I’ve been thinking about watching tonight. It might not be an 80’s movie, but it’s still one of my favorites. Levi’s not a fan, but since he’s on my shit list today, he no longer gets a say. Tonight, after we eat, we’ll devour cookies and watch 10 Things I Hate About You.

Oh, Heath Ledger. I miss you.

I pop the movie in the DVD player and cue it up, ready to go. Then I make my way back into the kitchen and get ready for dinner. I can’t help but wonder if this whole dating thing is really a good idea or not. I guess it’s worth a try, right? I mean, if it doesn’t go well, I could close my profile and walk away. I’m not out anything but a fifteen-dollar per month service fee. I want to try it, but don’t want it to cause problems between us. He’ll either learn to deal with it or he won’t.


Right. My decision made, my resolve set, I make sure the wings and taco dip are on the table with plates and napkins. There’s no need for silverware because one of the joys of wings is eating them with your fingers and then licking them clean afterwards. I grab two beers from my fridge and place them on the table with the food. Glancing down, I realize I’m all set.

Now, where the heck is Levi?