“Why not?” I ask, defensively.

“Because…well, you’re…it’s not safe.”

“I’m not meeting up with all of these guys, Levi. There’s no reason for you to freak out and go all big brother protective,” I tell him.

“Besides, when the time comes for her to meet up with these guys, we’ll make sure she’s in a public place and that one of us always knows where she is,” AJ reasons.

“Guys? As in more than one?” he asks, glancing down at me again. There’s something strange in his features today. He looks scared or worried, twisted with hurt and rage. But he’s doing his best to camouflage it with curiosity.

“Of course, more than one. You always start with many and weed them out until you find that one perfect date,” Lexi adds.

“That’s the name of the site. PerfectDate.com,” I tell him. “It’ll be good for me to meet new people. Lord knows I don’t meet anyone working from home every day.”

“Why do you need to meet new people? You have your sisters. And me,” he says, seeming completely at a loss, which just makes me feel weird and uncomfortable. I didn’t expect him to turn into my dad at the thought of me trying Internet dating.

“Exactly, Levi. I have my sisters and you. I can’t date any of you,” I remind him.

“Or have sex with any of us,” Lexi mumbles to AJ.

“And Abs needs to have the sex, Levi,” AJ adds loudly, causing a whole new level of mortification to set in.

“Let’s not talk about that,” I beg before turning my attention back to the monitor.

Ignoring all conversation around me, because really, who needs to listen to her sisters and male friend talk about her sex life, or lack thereof, I finish flipping through the matches the website gave me. At the end, I have five prospective matches to work with.

I’m already exhausted by the time I return to my own profile, that I really want to just shut down the computer and dig into the greasy, messy chicken wings that I can smell in the kitchen.

“Oh, look, Abs! You have your first message,” AJ notices, pointing to the little envelope icon that shows the number one over the top, indicating that I have a message.

“I can look at it later,” I suggest, ready to power down.

“No way. I want to see who it is,” Lexi says, and I swear I hear Levi grumble behind me. When I glance his way, though, he’s as cool and calm as ever.

“Fine.” Clicking on the icon, the message pops up. It’s from GraveDigger413, one of the cuter guys I saved. His message pops up on the screen, and I can feel my sisters leaning in on both sides of me to read over my shoulder.

Hey, AngelEyes. Noticed your profile pic first but then my attention was pulled to the fact that you love to binge watch 80’s rom-coms. Me too. Would love to chat more with you.

Levi snorts over my head, clearly reading along with everyone else in the room. “What the fuck ever. He’s only saying that shit to get in your pants.”

“Excuse me?” I ask, turning to face him. My agitation with him is reaching an all-new record high. “So, what’s he bullshitting me about? The fact that he noticed my profile pic, or the fact that he likes the same movies as I do? Because I’m pretty sure you like watching those kinda movies with me too. So if he’s lying, then are you?” I ask, standing up and crossing my arms.

“Burn!” Lexi yells, causing AJ to bust up laughing.

“I’m not lying, I do enjoy them.”

“So it must be the fact that he thought I was attractive? What, because I’m not a model, then I’m not attractive?” I can’t stop talking. Why can’t I stop?

“That’s not what I meant. You’re putting words in my mouth,” he defends, but it falls on deaf ears.

“You know what? I’m putting myself out there for the first time in my entire life, and I could really use your support right now. If you can’t handle that, then you should just go.”

“You want me to go?” Hurt reflects in his hazel eyes, which look greener today than ever before.

“If that’s what you want.” Crossing my arms again, we stare at each other in a silent standoff.

“This is like foreplay,” AJ whispers to Lexi.

“I wish I had popcorn,” she replies quietly, but of course, I hear both statements.