That’s between the two of us, though. Don’t you fucking say a word, okay? No one besides her knows I took that video, and I told her I deleted it. But I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

It’s almost four when I gather up my bags and get ready to head across the hall. Locking my door, I balance a grocery bag of food, a platter of dip, plate of cookies, and the small cooker with honey barbeque glazed chicken wings. I look like your typical twenty-five year old Betty Crocker.

I don’t even knock, just let myself in like always. “Hey!” I holler as I kick the door closed and head into the kitchen. “Why was your door unlocked?” I don’t get an answer, but instead hear giggling. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say the laughter is coming from either Lexi or AJ.

Walking from the kitchen, I head towards the hallway. The layout is the exact same as mine, except the mirror opposite. The first door on the left is the bathroom, which is empty. The door across the hall is the master bedroom. I stop and glance inside, and even though I’ve seen it before – hell, I’ve slept in it before – it makes my dick take notice of the big bed.

Embarrassment courses through me as I realize I’m getting a full-on chubby staring at my best friend’s bed. The pillows that cradle her head, the blankets that slide along her porcelain skin, shit it’s all there, flashing before me like the start of a porno.

Quickly, I clear my throat and head to the last door, the one for the second bedroom. In my apartment, it houses my small weights and a twin sized bed for a spare. It’s the same bed that Jessa slept in last night. Abby’s other room serves as her office. Since she works from home for a big publishing company, she transformed that space into her home away from home during the day.

Inside, I find my girl–no, my friend–sitting at her desk with two brunette heads bent down and looking at something over her shoulder.

“Oh my God, Abs, look at that one! I think that’s a bong he’s holding in his profile pic,” AJ says, causing Lexi to laugh and Abby to groan.

“Gross,” Abby says. “Wait look at this one.”

“Oh, he screams bad boy. Click him,” Lexi exclaims.

“His ears are pierced. A lot,” Abby says.

“I bet he has other things pierced too,” AJ chimes in.

“Hey, don’t knock piercings. Some of them are really…effective,” Lexi quips with a smirk, making me do a double take at my girl’s twin. Shit, there I go again. My friend’s twin.

“There’s a story there, I can tell. Spill,” AJ directs.

“Motorcycle boy in high school had a piercing,” she whispers conspiratorially before giggling.

“Really?” Abby asks curiously, turning towards her sister with a cute little blush. Her hair is different. Even through profile view, I can see it’s lighter, with a caramel colored highlight blended through.

“Oh, yeah. They’re…nice,” Lexi adds with a wink.

Choking on air, I do everything I can to hold in my own laughter. Unfortunately, I’m unsuccessful and three sets of eyes glance over at my position in the doorway. “What are you ladies doing?” I ask, stepping into the room.

Abby looks guilty, while her sisters look amused.

“Internet dating!” AJ exclaims, gleefully.

“You’re gonna try that crap? I would have thought you wouldn’t waste your time and energy on that bullshit, AJ,” I say, stepping up behind Abby. My nose instantly catches a whiff of her shampoo. It takes everything I have not to bend down and run my nose along her scalp.

“Not me, big guy,” AJ teases with a knowing smile. “Abby.”

Abby’s trying Internet dating? My Abby? The earth stops moving on its axis at this startling revelation. Air is sucked from the room by some invisible vacuum. I might even be stroking out right now; my heart is beating so fast and furiously in my chest. My Abby? Internet dating?

What. The. Fuck?