“She does?” she asks, stopping and turning towards me when we reach the door.

“Every night.”

Big green eyes stare at me. She looks nervous, yet pleased at the same time. Before I can formulate a reply, she kisses me. For as much affection as we’ve shown each other in the last few days, this kiss is different. It’s not of security but of desire.

Her lips are soft and warm and mold to mine perfectly. Her body lines up seamlessly. Her hand to my chest is an accelerant to my raging libido. We fit. Click into place like puzzle pieces.

Like she was made for me.

I’m pulled from my thoughts by giggling. Payton realizes it at the same time and together we pull apart and glance at the front door. My daughter is there, smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

“You guys are kissing,” she snickers, her hands covering her mouth.

“And you were snooping,” I say as I pull the screen door open. My daughter doesn’t fly into my arms the way I expect her to. No. She flies into Payton’s.

“No snooping, Daddy. I heard you pull in and Mimi said Payton was with you!”

Even though she still looks exhausted, she’s smiling at Brielle, holding her against her chest. The image they make steals my breath, making it hard to breathe. Bri’s little arms are wrapped around Payton’s neck and she’s squeezing tightly.

“Careful, Bri. Don’t hurt Payton.”

“She’s okay,” she replies before placing a kiss on my daughter’s forehead.

“Are you gonna come play?”

“Not tonight, Bri. It’s bedtime and Payton’s very tired. She had a very long day.”

“‘Cause your friend went to heaven?” Bri asks innocently.

Payton’s eyes fill with tears and she smiles fondly down at the girl in her arms. “Yeah, because my friend went to heaven.”

“That makes me sad,” Bri whispers.

“Me too.”

“You know what makes me feel better when I’m sad?”

“What?” Payton asks, her full attention to my daughter.

“My daddy snuggles with me and rubs my back. Maybe Daddy can snuggle with you and rub your back for you too.”

She smiles down at Bri a breathtaking grin. “That sounds like just what I need.”

“Can I snuggle with you too?” Her eyes look so hopeful.

“I would love that,” Payton confirms.

We finally make our way into the house. Mom is standing there, wearing her own grin. I’m about to ask her what she’s smiling at, but I think I already know. Payton puts Bri down, and they instantly lock hands. The movement doesn’t go unnoticed by me, nor Mom.

“I’m very sorry to hear of your loss, dear.” Mom steps forward and wraps her arms around Payton’s neck. “Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you and your family.”

“Thank you,” she chokes out, stunned by the onslaught of attention and emotion it’s creating.

When mom leaves, I send Bri to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Payton, on the other hand, heads to my room to get ready for bed. After a quick sweep of the house, making sure all of the doors are locked and the lights off, I head to find my little girl. She’s just finishing up her teeth, so I have a seat on the toilet lid until she’s done.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Uh huh!”