Chapter Twenty-One
He’s here.
I knew it, felt it, the moment he hit The Beaver. No, that’s not a euphemism for something dirty. My body was on high alert and my lady parts started to tingle. When I looked out the window and saw him sit down beside Ryan, I’m pretty sure I started to pant. And that’s what drew the attention of my sisters who all ran to the window to gawk at the newest piece of man candy to grace a Summer sisters outing.
My newly glazed, brightly painted vase is drying on the rack. I love paint nights with my sisters. Even though I suck, it’s a huge stress reliever to paint. And it does help that the instructor often walks around and helps fix my mistakes. So at least when I leave, I’m not completely embarrassed by the finished product.
Jaime’s the first one out the door. She’s practically sprinting towards Ryan. “Hey, babe!” she hollers, sliding onto the empty stool on the other side of her man.
“You’re gorgeous, and pleasantly tipsy,” he says with a huge smile before kissing her soundly.
“Stop that! It’s sisters’ night! No boys, remember?” AJ chastises.
“Normally, I’d be on your side, AJ, but not tonight,” I say as I approach Dean. He looks so handsome in his white button-up shirt and dark blue jeans. He’s wearing his glasses, which does weird things to my lady parts.
“I’m not wearing any panties,” I confess against his ear, my lips grazing along the shell of his lobe.
He responds with a gasp and a cough that’s an attempt to cover his groan. His eyes are dilated already and his smile predatory.
“No having sex at The Beaver, ladies.” This from Lexi who’s tipsier than normal. “Where’s Chris? I told him to have his ass to The Beaver tonight or else he wasn’t getting the beaver any more. Not ever. I’m officially cutting off the beaver. He’s done.”
“Stop saying beaver,” Abby requests. “It’s gross.”
“I told him I was getting hammered. He had strict orders to pick me up and sex me down tonight. It’s baby-making night, dammit! I’m ovulating!” Lexi slurs as she props her hip against an occupied barstool. Fortunately, the guy who’s sitting there just shuffles over a bit and lets her lean on him.
“Hey, where’s Josh?” Meghan asks, looking around to the other side of Ryan.
“Uhhh, we haven’t seen him yet tonight,” he answers.
“That’s weird. He texted me an hour ago and said he was on his way,” she says absently while grabbing her phone.
“It’s really odd that Josh isn’t here yet. He’s usually the first one to crash our night, but even when he’s running behind, he’s always here by the time we’re done with our outing,” I tell Dean.
“Did you have fun? Your vase looks like it should be displayed in a museum.”
“Are you kidding me? How much have you had to drink tonight?” I ask with a laugh. “I suck, I know. You don’t have to kiss my ass to get laid tonight. That’s a definite,” I add with a smirk.
“Can you two hold off longer than Ry and Jaime tonight?” Lexi asks, interrupting us and leaning into my arm. “Because those two will barely make it out of the parking lot before the sexing starts. Since my own husband doesn’t care to make sure I get home, I’m going to need a ride and I’m hoping you two are a safer bet.”
Dean grins warmly at my drunk little sister. “You can have a ride, but I can’t promise you anything on the sexing part.”
Lexi groans. “Payton Ann! You’re rubbing off on poor Dean. He probably never used the word sexing in his life, but he hangs around you for two minutes and now he’s a regular dirty word maker-upper like you!”
“Um, actually, that’s your word,” I reply to Lexi.
“Oh, yeah, it is. My bad, Dean. I’m rubbing off on you. I like you. I think I’ll keep you.”
“Actually, I think I’ll keep him. You already have a man.”
“My man sucks donkey balls, Payton!” she practically hollers, drawing the attention of our sisters and others around us. “Oh my God! I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I’m such a horrible wife, aren’t I? I am. I’m horrible.”
“You’re not horrible, Lexi, you’re just frustrated. That’s completely understandable.”
“Did you tell Dean you weren’t wearing any panties yet? Dean, she’s not wearing any panties,” Lexi yells to the bar.
He laughs at my sister’s antics. “She did tell me. I’m very excited about the no panties bit,” he says with a smile.