It’s comfortable.

“I meant what I said. I’m going to come Saturday,” he says as he tries to regain his breath. “There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

I gasp as he slowly starts to slide out of me. On shaky legs, I turn and face him. “I meant what I said too. I want you there.”

It’s not so scary to admit that I want him to attend, because I do. I guess I just always expected to see something burst into flames or for something equally as dramatic if I actually wanted a man to attend a family function or someplace where my family will be. But not just any man, I want Dean.

We’ve been talking a lot lately and I’ve enjoyed our banter and getting to know each other. Twice now, he mentioned he had something to tell me, but wanted to wait to do it in person. I’m not sure what it is, but maybe we can discuss it tonight, since I’m already here.

Silently, we both straighten up our clothes. Dean disposes of the condom in the wastepaper basket, while I right my top. “Do you have a few minutes to talk before you go?” he asks, fastening his work trousers.

“Yeah, a few minutes,” I reply, buttoning my top.

Just as he goes to say something else, the door to his office bursts open. A little girl with the brownest eyes comes barreling through the door, a wide smile on her face. I gasp, anxiously working my fingers to fasten my own pants. I have no time to process the interruption or try to determine what in the world is going on because the child speaks two words that shock me to my core.

Two words.

And they change everything.

“Hi, Daddy!”