And those glasses. He’s in full business mode, and there’s something sexy about the way they perch on the bridge of his nose. They give him a studious look. The perfect blend of smarts and erotic. Fortunately, I dig the hot nerdy accountant look because my body is flush and my panties soaked.

“Thank you for giving me a few moments, Mr. McIntire.”

Again, I’m rewarded with the slightest curl of his lip. Silently, we walk past Cora’s desk and down the short hall to Dean’s space. As soon as I step inside, I feel his presence behind me. I’m being stalked. Glancing over my shoulder, his face is the picture of lust. Molten lava races through my bloodstream.

“This is a pleasant surprise,” he says. I feel the heat of his body as he steps behind me and presses his body against my backside.

“I was in the neighborhood.” My words are breathy and rushed.

“Really?” Dean runs his hands up my outer arms to my shoulders. “I’m glad you stopped by.” He places a kiss on the back of my neck. “What’s in the folder?”

“I couldn’t exactly show up empty handed, could I?” Grabbing the folder, I flip the cover and reveal the paper inside.

He glances over my shoulder and laughs. “You drew me a cat?”

“Not just any cat. This cat is sunning itself in the window.”

“Why does the cat only have three legs?”

“That’s Sparky. He was our cat growing up. He got under the hood of my dad’s work car one day when I was little and got his leg caught. My mom rushed it to a vet, who amputated the mangled leg. We loved that damn cat. He lived until he was almost eighteen as our three-legged baby.”

“That’s oddly sad and delightful at the same time.” His lips return to my neck, making me shudder.

Tossing my hair over my right shoulder to give him complete, unobstructed access to my neck, I ask, “Do you have any more appointments tonight?”

“Not tonight,” he says, nipping at my spine. “Cora will be leaving shortly. If I’m still back here, she’ll lock me in.”

“So we have a bit of alone time?” I ask, exhaling deeply as he runs his tongue towards my collarbone.

“Very much alone,” he mumbles, his hands sliding around to my stomach. He pushes up my shirt, his large hands skimming effortlessly up to cup my breasts. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

“Me too.”

“What have you been thinking about?” Dean lightly pinches my nipples, causing me to squirm and push back against him. My ass connects with his very hard cock. I gasp.

“About how much I want to feel you inside me again.”

“Is that what you want now?”

“Yes,” I whisper as he keeps one hand on my breast and slides the other down and into my pants.

“I was thinking about this weekend,” he says, moving his hand into my wet, useless panties.


“I’d love to take you to dinner Saturday night.”

I pant; not from his words, but from the way his hands play me like a musical instrument. His fingers graze against my clit, causing a flood of sensations to bubble inside me.

“I can’t Saturday night.” Honestly, I’m not sure how I’m able to form coherent sentences at this point. Not with his fingers playing with my clit and his other hand massaging my nipple.


“It’s sisters’ night. Oh God,” I groan. “I have a standing date with my sisters. So good.”

“Sisters’ night is so good? Or this?” Dean slides two fingers into my pussy.

“This. So much this.”