Chapter Four


“Dean, we have you all set up to leave on Tuesday evening. The conference begins at eight A.M. sharp Wednesday, and with the time it would take to travel to Richmond, we’ve decided to include an extra night at the hotel so you can arrive the night before.”

My heart skitters in my chest. Shit, now I have to leave even earlier. “Thank you, sir. I’ll have to make sure my mom is available to help with my daughter for the extra night. If it doesn’t work, I’ll leave early enough the morning of to arrive in plenty of time for the first conference on Wednesday.”

Mr. Corbin looks annoyed at my response. He’s definitely more accustomed to a “yes, sir” answer when he gives an order. “Well, keep me posted.”

“Will do, sir.”

We finish up our brief meeting. Most of my clients I rescheduled or will be taking care of their needs prior to leaving on this three–now four–day adventure, but there are a few that Mr. Corbin will have to be ready to assist if the need should arise. It never fails that while you’re gone, someone forgets to pay their quarterly business taxes or submit for an extension by the mandated deadline. No matter how much planning you do, financial emergencies always arise.

Our receptionist, Cora, delivers a sandwich from the corner deli when she returns from her lunch break. The new year brings the busy season for anyone in accounting, which is why I’m surprised Mr. Corbin is sending me to this conference. Reviewing updated tax laws can wait until summer when things aren’t so hectic that I have to eat a lunch meat sandwich at my desk an hour after I was supposed to.

Grabbing my phone, I dial Mom’s cell. I’m not sure how busy she’ll be, but I’m prepared to leave a message. Wouldn’t be the first time she’s unavailable to take a personal call in the middle of the workday. So I’m pleasantly surprised when she answers on the second ring.


“Hey, Mom. How’s it going?”

“Oh, not too bad. Just finishing up a late lunch,” she answers. I can hear a bag crinkling through the phone.

“Me too. Listen, there’s a slight change in plans. The conference starts at eight sharp Wednesday, which means they want to send me the night before.”

“Probably a good idea. I don’t mind coming over Tuesday after work. I can help get dinner started so you can eat with Bri before you head out.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“No worries, son. That’s what I’m here for. I’ve already talked to Angel and she’s flexible with my hours during that time. She knows that I’m playing Daddy for the week.”

I recall all those years my mom was Mom and Dad to me. And now here I am, playing a dual role for my own daughter. This is definitely not how I saw my life turning out.

“You’re still picking her up from Nancy’s today, right?”

“Of course I am. I wouldn’t miss my standing Wednesday afternoons with my granddaughter.”

We talk for another few minutes before signing off. Mom works in a small family-owned jewelry store for a third generation jeweler. Angel Anthony has been in charge of the company her grandfather started back in nineteen sixty-five for fifteen years already, and the business is flourishing. She’s compassionate and fair as an employer, and Mom loves her.

Since Mom gets off early on Wednesdays, which just happens to be my late night at work, she picks up my daughter and takes her back to my place, where they cook dinner together. By the time I get home, dinner smells delicious, and they got to spend a little time together. It works for us, but I’m not oblivious to the fact that my mom is a huge help when it comes to raising my daughter.

The afternoon progresses slowly in a flurry of numbers and reports. My days are filled with client appointments, preparing income taxes for individuals and businesses alike. The basic taxes are few and far between. Most of those standard, easy taxes go to quick service agencies like Hewett Jackson or H&R Block. The ones that come to an accountant’s office are businesses or those individuals with lots of deductions and filing long form.

That’s where we come in.

There are four of us at this agency, and since there’s limited accountants in town, we’re busting-ass busy. There’s another smaller firm of two CPAs, as well as an older woman who’s been at it for almost forty years. At thirty-one, I’m the youngest at Corbin and Denton, but not new to the business. Back home in Ridgewood, I was young, hungry, and eager to play with numbers all day, and happily started at the bottom. Right out of college, I worked for the man who mentored me. Since Ridgewood is a small town of about six thousand, I knew the Brady family growing up. I interned there during the summers, making copies and doing just about everything I could to learn the ins and outs of the business.

That’s also how I met Brooke.

Even though I will never regret my relationship with her, after all she gave me my daughter, but she’s a subtle reminder of why you don’t date your clients.

As I glance down at my next few appointments, I see the one name I’ve come to crave. It’s not an appointment, per se, but a scheduling note that her fourth quarter income and employment taxes are due in my office. That means that after she closes up shop, she’ll be stopping by my office–and on my late night, too. My day suddenly just got a whole lot better.

I get to see the woman who invades my dream, my shower fantasies, and those rare daydreams where I get a few moments of peace.

I get to see Payton Summer.