Chapter Sixteen


It feels great to walk back into my own domain, but the longing to have Payton in my arms again doesn’t go unnoticed. The house is empty, but not for long. Bri will be home soon, which leaves me just enough time to unpack my bag and start a load of laundry. Yet, when I take my dirty clothes from my trip into the utility room, the room is empty, not a dirty sock in sight.


I smile as I separate my darks from my whites, and get my suit and pants ready to go to the dry cleaners tomorrow. I shouldn’t be surprised, but the house is practically spotless. Mom always cleans the kitchen and gets dinner going for me when she stays with Bri on my late work nights, and today isn’t any different, even though it’s a Friday. There are chicken breasts marinating in the fridge, with sweet potatoes and green beans on the counter.

There are a handful of things I could do before my daughter comes home, but there’s only one thing holding my attention and it isn’t prepping the grill for supper. The only thing I can think about is Payton Summer. Her scent, her smile and laugh, the way her brown hair fluttered in the breeze while we walked through the park, the look on her face when pleasure steamrolled her body and she came on my cock. It’s all there in spades, replaying in bright porno Technicolor.

Of course, the only thing that seems to do is cause my pants to tighten and my cock to throb. But, hell, that has been a natural response since the first moment I laid eyes on her. She was wearing her hair in a high ponytail and her cheeks were flushed from being in and out of the summer heat. I remember the succulent curve of her hips and how those tight khakis she wore for work molded to her ass like a second skin. Her name was written across the file set on the conference room table, but when I saw her rush into the room, she stole my breath and my sanity, and I couldn’t have repeated the name typed across the folder if my life depended on it.

She was that amazing.

And that was before I knew her.

Before I realize it, I’ve lost track of time and it’s well after four. Time to grab Bri from the sitter’s house. I walk down the block and didn’t even get my hand raised to knock on the hard wooden door when it flies open and my gorgeous five-year-old little girl smiles a wide toothless grin at me.

“Daddy!” There’s no greater sound.

I barely have time to step inside before she launches herself into my arms. I inhale the scent of the shampoo I’ve bought for her since she moved on from the baby kind. I realize I’m being a total sappy schmuck right now, especially since it’s only been three nights since I last saw my daughter, but I don’t care. I missed the hell out of her.

“Hi, pumpkin! Did you have a good day at school?”

“Yep! I missed you!”

“Well, I missed you so much,” I add with a chuckle.

“Can we go home? I have to show you the new pictures I made you while you were gone for work. And Mimi is coming over to cook and eat with us.” After setting her down, she runs over and grabs her jacket and book bag from the hook by the front door.

“She’s been talking nonstop since she got off the bus about your return home tonight,” Nancy says from the doorway to the living room.

“I’ve been pretty excited to see her too,” I reply with a smile as I dig money out of my wallet to pay her for her time this week.

Nancy takes the bills and helps Bri slip her book bag on her back. As soon as she’s set, my daughter is out the door and standing on the porch. “I guess that’s my cue,” I say, shaking my head.

“See you next week, Dean.”

With a quick wave, I head out, closing the door behind me, to meet my girl. We walk down the block hand-in-hand, her talking a mile a minute about everything I missed over the last few days. And in the eyes of a kindergartener, everything from gluing, coloring, painting, drawing, writing, and playing is a very important part of the day. So I hear about every detail, and smile the entire time. Even when we get back home, the stories continue while I clean and snip the green beans and peel and slice the sweet potatoes to go on the grill with the chicken.

At five thirty, Mom arrives with a wide smile. She’s carrying a container with something that smells sweet. Cupcakes, if I had to wager a guess because if there’s anything my mom can’t resist, it’s cupcakes with buttercream frosting.

“Welcome home,” she says as she sets her container down on the counter.

“What’s that?” Bri asks from the barstool she’s perched on, coloring.

“Dessert, if you eat all your dinner,” Mom says before placing a kiss on Bri’s forehead.

“Thanks for getting all of this stuff ready for tonight,” I tell her, wrapping the sweet potatoes in an aluminum foil packet with tons of butter and brown sugar.

“I figured you’d be tired from the drive, so I planned on doing it for you.”

“Ehh, I got it. Besides, I enjoy cooking while my assistant makes me pretty new pictures for the fridge,” I add with a wink at my smiling daughter.

Dinner revolves around my daughter’s stories, her drawings, and her stuffed animals. She keeps us entertained and unable to carry much of an adult conversation. We’re used to it, though. Mom and I get to have pieces of talks whenever we can. Like now. There’s something I’d like to discuss, but can’t until after little ears are occupied.

After putting Bri in the bathtub, I finally have my chance.