Chapter Fourteen


The dinner drones on and on as the president of AICPA, or the America Institute of CPA’s, talks about proposed IRS changes in the upcoming year. Usually, discussing and debating the pros and cons of tax law changes with fellow numbers nerds would be the highlight of my night, but not tonight. Not with Payton in my room.

I’m stuck at a table with nine other professionals, one of which is Althea. She keeps smiling at me, giving me that flirty little smirk that basically says she’s game for anything sexual I’d suggest. But the thing is, even before I found Payton standing in the lobby of my hotel, I just wasn’t feeling it with her. Althea is gorgeous, sure, but not in that simple, natural way. She’s pretty with three hundred dollar shoes and pristine and professionally applied makeup. Her hair is perfect and her business suit spotless.

But she’s not Payton.

Payton wearing a pair of jeans and a simple tee. Payton with her hair pulled high in a ponytail. Payton with smudges of dirt on her cheek from replanting a potted plant. Payton in nothing but my dress shirt, unbuttoned and gaping open to reveal soft curves and luscious breasts.

There’s only one woman who piques my interest and makes my cock throb, and it’s not the beautiful woman sitting across from me.

Payton. That’s where my focus seems to be, no matter how much I try to listen to the speakers or to my tablemates sharing client horror stories. There’s plenty of stories of my own I could contribute. My personal favorite was the time a male client tried to write off hookers as a business expense. He called it stress management. Or what about the woman who wanted to start a business with her late husband’s insurance money. Did I mention he wasn’t actually dead yet when she submitted to cash in the insurance policy?

My point is that I have something to contribute to the conversation around me, but my mind is stuck in the gutter. Specifically, how quickly I could get Payton naked and moaning beneath me.

“What about you, Dean? How do you think this new legislation will affect the economy? Rumor has it that it’ll be harder on the middle class, therefore changing the way they spend and save money.” This question comes from Raymond, a tax advisor from Detroit.

I blink rapidly, trying to catch my bearings. No way can I confess that I’ve basically completely ignored all discussion around me for the last hour and a half. No way can I admit to be so distracted by a woman that I can’t even carry on a casual dinner conversation without all thoughts drifting. Because then I’d be that guy. You know the one; the guy who basically follows his woman around like a puppy dog, sending cute little text messages throughout the day like Miss you and Thinking of you.

Fine. I’m soooooooo that guy. I’m man enough to admit that I’m completely smitten with Payton Summer. Even if it’s one hundred percent the worst decision in the history of mankind, I’m still willing to take the chance. Just like that, my mind did a complete one-eighty, and I find myself racing towards Payton, not in the opposite direction I’ve been going for the last several months. Even though I’m certain I’ll come out mangled and destroyed when it ends, and heaven knows, it will end.

Life is anything but predictable. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way. The only thing right–perfect, even–in my life is Bri. My daughter’s the one thing I did right. Even if the way I got her wasn’t so right. She’s my light in total darkness, my sun breaking through the clouds.

“I’m sure Dean would agree that the economy will forever fluctuate, but people will always still spend. Whether it’s a want or a need, society will still spend more, and if we’re lucky, saving a little bit along the way,” Tim adds to the conversation. Relief courses through me, and I’m grateful for the help.

Before I can add anything to the discussion, my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. Normally, I’d let my voicemail catch the call, but with Bri and Mom out of the area, I jump at the distraction of a phone call.

“Excuse me,” I state as I stand up. “I need to take this,” I add, indicating my phone.

“Hello?” I ask quietly as I slip out the big double doors and into the expansive hallway.

“Hi, Daddy!”

“Hi, pumpkin. Are you having fun with Mimi?”

“Yep! We’re drawing horses and monkeys.”

“Horses and monkeys? That’s a great combination.”

“I miss you.” My gut clenches tightly.

“I miss you, too. But I’m going to be home by the time you get out of school tomorrow. I’ll pick you up from Miss Nancy’s house after school, okay?”

“Okay! I can’t wait to see you! I made you lots of new pictures for your office.” I smile at the thought of adding one more drawing to the side of my filing cabinet.

“Sounds good, sweetheart. I can’t wait to give you tickles.”

“No tickles, Daddy. You’ll make me pee!” she exclaims through fits of giggles. And that’s why I say it. Just to hear that sweet sound from her little lips.

“Okay, no tickles. I’d hate to get peed on,” I reply through my laugh.

“It’s time for my bath. We had grilled cheese for dinner and Mimi says I have butter everywhere.”

“Sounds good, angel. Tell Mimi I’ll call her tomorrow when I’m on my way home. I’ll see you tomorrow, all right? I love you.”

“Love you too, Daddy.”