Chapter Seven


My legs are shaky as I make my way from my car to my house. I feel like I just completed a marathon, all rubbery limbs and uneven breathing. I know walking away from Dean was the right thing to do, but why does it always feel like my dog died all over again every time I turn around and he’s not there.

I can’t justify a relationship with him, or anyone else, when it won’t end the way I want it to. Because it will end. Why get involved with someone, potentially falling in love with him, only to have it end a short time later? Who would willingly subject themselves to that kinda torture? As soon as he finds out about my secret, he’ll be gone.

They always are.

After unlocking my door, I let myself in, setting my computer bag and purse down on the table. The light is on above the sink, just the way I left it when I headed in to work this morning. It’s a subtle reminder of my independent state. No one comes or goes but me, no one leaves their dirty clothes on the floor but me, and no one pays the bills but me. It’s quiet, just the way I like it.

Until the silence takes over.

Turning around, I scream when a shadow falls on the kitchen floor.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you,” AJ says, her hands covering her heart.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, willing my heart rate to drop from stroke level.

“I stopped by to say hello, but you weren’t home yet. I let myself in.” Figures. “Where have you been? Working late?”

My cheeks blush involuntarily. “Yes.” The one word comes out a croak. I’m sure she’ll see right through my lie.

Her eyes turn all squinty as she stares, reading me like one of those romance novels she’s always raving about. I keep my eyes trained on her, fighting the urge to shy away from the scrutiny. Finally, her eyebrows shoot into her bangs. Damn her and her Summer detective skills.

“Why do you smell like cologne?” She steps into my personal space and takes a giant, overly dramatic whiff around my neck.

“I…what are you…that’s not…what?”

“You smell like a man.” She steps back in and takes another whiff. “A very nice man.”

I turn around and grab a glass from the cabinet and fill it with tap water, greedily chugging half the glass. “Must have been from one of my customers. I had a male customer in the store right when I closed,” I answer, averting my gaze.

“And what about that whisker burn on your neck? Did that customer fall into you with his face before he left?” My hand instantly wraps around my neck, rubbing against the sensitive skin. I feel the flames burn beneath my hands, realizing that she’s right.

Turning and straightening my resolve, I say, “Maybe he did. Maybe he tripped and rubbed his stubbled jaw against my neck. You know, I could have caught him, saved him from falling completely down and injuring himself.”

“You’re a regular Florence Nightingale. I’m sure he’s at home right now, handwriting his thank you card for saving him the insurance deductible.”

I laugh at her sarcasm, which she responses with her own smile. “So?”

Exhaling, I grab my water and walk into the living room. I don’t have to look around to know she’s following me. Taking my seat on the couch, I fold my legs beneath me and get comfy. I let out a long, deep breath before I speak. “There’s this guy,” I start.

“Of course there is,” she quips.

I offer her a quick smirk. “He’s…well, he’s kinda great. We have this killer chemistry, and frankly, the sex is amazing.” We both laugh. “Like hitting a Grand Slam in game seven of the World Series amazing.”

“God, when was the last time I had World Series sex?” she says absently, almost as if saying it to herself.

“I can’t answer that, but I can tell you that if you have to ask that question, it’s probably been a long time.”

“If ever,” she mumbles, taking a drink of her own glass she helped herself to. “So,” she adds before clearing her throat, “if he’s so great, why are you here and not with him getting whisker burn on other parts of your body?”

I clench my thighs together at the thought of Dean’s stubble dragging along the sensitive skin between my legs. My sister stares at me, waiting for me to continue. I exhale deeply. “It’s really complicated. I’m not really looking for a relationship, and he’s kinda in the same boat. It could never go anywhere, so why try?”

AJ looks at me like she doesn’t understand anything I just said. “Wait, what? First off, why wouldn’t either of you be interested in a relationship, and second, why wouldn’t it go anywhere? You’re amazing and anyone would be lucky to have you.”

My heart beats wildly and I smile automatically at her compliment. “Thank you. It’s just…complicated, AJ.”