“What’s the matter?”

“They close at six. I’ll never get over there in time. I’ll have to drop it all off in the morning and pray my accountant has enough time to get it taken care of.”

“Let me help. I’m heading home now to help Grandpa with a little problem he sent me a text about a few minutes ago.” She looks down and gapes at her phone.

“Is Grandpa okay?”

“Oh, he’s fine, dear.” She smirks. “At least he will be when I get home and can give him some tender loving care. It happens every time he takes one of those little blue pills.”

Please don’t say any more. Please don’t.

“Can I drop that off before I head home?”

Glancing down at the folder that needs to be at the accountant’s office by six, I concede to let her help once more today. Even if I leave right now and run over there, I still have to come back and get more work done. If I can stay here and get to it, I might be able to make it home before reruns of Full House start on Nick.

“Fine. Take this envelope to Corbin and Denton. One of the secretaries or assistants is usually there. Just hand them the envelope.”

“Who do I leave it for?” she asks, reaching for the packet of papers.

My heart speeds up and tap dances in my chest just thinking about him. The way he looks sitting behind his large mahogany desk. His perfect hair the color of smooth caramel, his eyes hidden behind glasses so deep brown that they almost look black. Until you’re close–close enough to feel his breath on your face–where you can see the brown ring around his iris. The way his lips feel against mine, a dance so slow and sweet that I’m left breathless and yearning.

“Earth to Payton,” Grandma says, waving her hands in front of my face.

“Oh, sorry.”

“You feeling all right? You’re all flush and panting.” She places the back of her wrinkled hand on my forehead.

“I’m fine. Just getting tired already,” I reply, taking a step back and busying my hands with the remaining paperwork. “His name is Dean McIntire, and he should be there.”

“I better get going so I make it before they close.” She quickly gathers up her jacket and the paperwork and heads towards the back door. “Oh, and Payton?” I stop in my tracks as she glances over her boney shoulder. “The occasional orgasm might help alleviate that blush.”

Before I can even react, she’s out the door, whistling a tune that sounds like Justin Timberlake.


My cell phone rings as I’m locking the back door. With the deposit bag tucked beneath my arm, I dig into my purse for the phone. Once I grab it, I start to walk towards my car, which is parked in a small lot used by a few businesses on my block. The name on the screen causes me to stop in my tracks.


Part of me wants to ignore the call, knowing that I’m not strong enough to say no if he were calling for personal reasons. I should have said no the first time we met up, and definitely shouldn’t have agreed to the three meetings that followed over the course of two months. We both realized that a relationship wasn’t in our best interest, and even though the chemistry is plausible and visible, it just isn’t meant to be.

“Hello?” I ask, worried he’ll hear the nervousness in that one word.

“Hi, Payton. It’s Dean. Do you have a minute?” he asks. Something in his own voice catches my attention. Apprehension.

Slipping into my car and dropping my bags on the passenger seat, I work the key into the ignition and start up the car. “Yeah, I’m just leaving the shop. What’s up?”

“Is this a joke?” he asks, completely catching me off guard.

“A joke? What are you talking about?” I ask, cranking the heater up to warm my vehicle.

“There are some…discrepancies in your statements that you dropped off this evening. I was glancing over it before I headed home so that I was prepared to get it all filed tomorrow morning, but some of the numbers are definitely…off.”

“Off? What does that mean?”

“Well, if I were to submit it the way it is, you’d probably be audited for tax fraud.”

My heart jumps and hammers in my chest. “What?” I whisper.