“Then, go have coffee with this guy. What could it hurt? If anything, maybe it’ll make Levi jealous and give him the kick in the pants he needs,” Payton adds.

Just when I think she’s not going to acknowledge us, Abby says, “I’ll think about it.”

I finish off my plate before turning focus on the oldest Summer sister. “What about you, Pay? Why aren’t you dating anyone?”

Payton squeaks out a noise while rolling her eyes. “Puh-lease. Who am I going to date in this town? All of the good ones are married, taken, gay, or there’s a reason why they’re still single. Besides, I’m not interested yet. I have Blossoms and Blooms, and that takes all of my free time.”

“But even you need a night out every once in a while. Why don’t you have coffee with the flower guy?” Abby asks.

“Besides the fact that he’s probably six years my junior? I’m just not interested in him.”

“Well, then who are you interested in? If not him, then who?”

“No one.” Payton tries to act all casual, but I catch the way she fidgets with her hands. There’s someone, she just won’t say. I’ll definitely have to keep my eyes open for signs of someone in her life.

When the closing credits start to roll, Abby and I each help Payton pick up her apartment and wash the dishes. We work in unison, as if we’ve each done this a thousand times before. And, truthfully, we have. We’re a close bunch, spending a lot of our free time together.

I wonder how much free time I’ll have now that I’m dating (albeit taking everything very slowly) Ryan?

That thought accompanies me on my drive home. It’s what I think about as I get ready for bed. And it’s definitely the first thing on my mind when I check my phone and find a text message from the man in question.

Ryan: Hope you had fun with your sisters. Thinking about u. Call u tomorrow.

I smile at my phone, unable to stop it. He sent that message thirty minutes ago. Even though it’s barely ten o’clock, I still type out a reply.

Me: It was fun. Thinking of you too. Night.

My phone isn’t even down on my nightstand when it chimes.

Ryan: Thinking of me how? Am I naked in your thoughts?

Well he wasn’t, but he is now. Before I can reply, my phone chimes again.

Ryan: ‘Cause I’ll b honest, you’re naked in my thoughts right now.

I decide to take a walk on the flirty side.

Me: Naked in your thoughts AND naked in bed. Coincidence.

Ryan: You’re naked? Now? Show me.

And because I can’t help it, I snap a quick picture of my bare knee and hit send. Within ten seconds, I have a reply.

Ryan: Not funny. Though your knee is hot, I thought I’d get a glimpse at something a little higher up on your body.

Me: Like this? I ask as I attach a picture of my shoulder.

Ryan: Your shoulder is fucking hot. It makes me want to run my tongue along your collarbone and watch goosebumps appear on your delicious skin.

And just like that, the temperature rose about fifty degrees in the room.

Ryan: I think you should show me your shoulder tomorrow night. 6pm. I’ll pick you up for dinner. Pack a bag but only for clothes the next day. And make sure you tell your fam where you’re gonna b. Don’t want National Guard showing up. ;)

My fingers tremble slightly as they hover over my phone. I’m a fraction of a second away from saying screw it and inviting him over now. Images of Ryan licking my shoulder, then blazing a trail southbound, flitter through my forethoughts. It’s enough to make me wiggle a bit in bed, trying to relieve the sudden pressure between my legs.

Ryan: Is that a yes?

Me: That’s a yes.

Ryan: See you tomorrow, beautiful. Night.

Me: Good night, Ryan.

I toss and turn for the better part of an hour, unable to find a comfortable position. Ryan’s delicious mouth chases my thoughts and wreaks havoc on my lady parts. He’s the ultimate temptation, and it’s proving quickly that I’m unable to resist him. Finally, I relax enough to fall asleep.

And dream of Ryan.