Chapter Twenty-Eight


She’s been in the bathroom a long time. Or maybe I’m just that excited to get her in bed that every second she’s not out here is a second too long.

Her family hung around until eleven or so, chatting and telling stories like they always do. Jaime’s grandparents didn’t stay too long after giving us their weird housewarming gifts. Not that I’m against having a baby with Jaime in any way, I’d just prefer to get her down the aisle and have her wearing my ring before we’re setting up a crib and buying diapers.

I wonder how quickly I can get her talked into marrying me?

The sound of the bathroom door opening to our bedroom has me forgetting my thought. The sight of her wearing a white lace negligee that barely covers her ass has me forgetting my own name. She’s a goddess, a vision of every fantasy I’ve ever had all wrapped into one lace-covered package.

And fuck if that package isn’t ten times better than any fantasy I’ve ever experienced.

“Come here.” My voice is raspy and deep, laced with hunger and need.

Jaime struts over to the bed, a little extra swing with each step just for my benefit. The smile on her face lets me know she knows exactly what she’s doing, toying with me like a cat and a string with each step she takes, seducing me further.

When she approaches the bed, Jaime climbs up and straddles me. My cock is practically clawing out of my briefs. Instantly, I’m assaulted with the scent of her arousal and the heat of her pussy. Glancing down, I realize she’s not wearing panties. Thanks to all things holy I lost most of my clothes before I climbed in bed. My cock pulses in my briefs, begging to come out and play.

“Don’t move,” I tell her as I run my hands up her smooth legs, gently pushing the white lace up around her hips as I go.

Jaime sits atop my waist, her body already lined up perfectly for what’s to come. I’ll never tire of the way her body molds to mine as if they were made for one another, the way she sounds when she laughs and when she’s coming, or the way my heart always kicks up a few beats when she’s near. I’ll never want another like I want her, like I need her.

“What do you think of our new home, Mr. Elson?” she asks, grinding her wetness against my throbbing cock.

“I’m not thinking at all right now, Miss Summer. I seem to be transfixed on one thing at the moment,” I grit through my teeth, my entire body tense and taut.

“And what would that one thing be?” she coos, bending forward and letting her hair skim across my chest.

“You. Always you. And the way my body burns to be inside you.”

I move my hands from her hips, since they seem to have a mind of their own, and grab a hold of her lace covered nipples, lightly tweaking and rubbing them until they’re stiff. My mouth waters to taste those amazing little nubs. Jaime moans, her hands firmly planted on my chest as she continues to gyrate her hips against me.

Suddenly, I catch movement out of the corner of my eye just as my sex-induced brain registers pain. Intense, burning pain across my fucking chest that feels like someone doused me with lighter fluid and lit a match. I barely hear Jaime’s scream as I swat away whatever in the hell just attacked me. Her eyes are wide as she looks between my eyes, my chest, and then across the room to where I flung the creature that tried to eat my alive.

“The fuck?” I holler, moving Jaime to the side to protect her in case Jaws decides to come back for round two.

I jump up, ready to kill whatever in the hell it is that attacked me and killed my hard-on, but when I look down, I’m certain my eyes are playing tricks on me. A little ball of yellow and white stares up at me from our bedroom floor. I start to get off the bed to see what in the hell it is, but Jaime grabs my arm and halts my progress.

“Awwwww!” she coos in one of those weird baby voices as she carefully climbs off the bed and picks it up. “Look at this cute little guy.”

“What the fuck is it doing in our bedroom?”

“I don’t know,” Jaime replies softly, her face radiating happiness as she rubs the little feline fur ball against her smiling face. “Where did you come from, little sweetie?” she asks the kitten.

“Don’t care where it came from. Only care about getting it out of here,” I reply, looking down to examine the damage to my chest. Claw marks deep enough to draw blood extend for about six inches down my pecs, barely missing a nipple. “And put that thing down. It could be rabid or something. Look at what it did to me?” I say, but it falls on deaf ears.

When I glance back up at Jaime, she’s standing there with tears in her eyes, grinning like she just won the damn lottery or something. The little ball of fur is tucked against her chest, sleeping soundly as if lulled to slumber by her beating heart.

Carefully, I step over and look down at the form in her arms. I’ll admit, it’s a cute little fucker, even if it did just try to maim me with the sharpest kitty claws imaginable. A slip of paper beneath his sleeping body catches my attention. Gently moving Jaime’s hand, I reveal a folded note.

Here’s the rest of your gift. Jaime’s always wanted a cat, and I figured Ryan wouldn’t mind a little more pussy. Litter box and food in the laundry room. His name is Boots, though Grandma wanted to name him Mammoth because of the size of his shlong. She also says not to neuter him. Enjoy! Love, Grandpa

“They got me a kitten?” Jaime whispers, her words laced with laughter.

“They got us a cat,” I repeat deadpanned, unable to reach the level of excitement to match hers.

“You don’t like cats? How can you not like cats?” Her wide, shocked eyes are focused intently on me.