Just hearing that word lovers coming out of her mouth makes my jaw tick. Call me possessive, I don’t care. Being reminded that Jaime has had other lovers before me causes every jealous bone I have in my body to rev to life. It’s stupid, I know. There were women before her, but none since. There will never be another. She’s it. I feel it.

“Anyway, he started to have feelings for someone else. He said he tried to deny it, but couldn’t. The night before he broke it off with me, he worked late. I was fine since my family was in town and us girls all went and got pedicures. Apparently, there was a coworker that was there with him and the next thing he knew, they were kissing.”

Wait. I search her face, looking for any sign of distress or anguish, but I still see nothing. “He cheated on you?” I ask, dumbfounded.

“Not really. I mean, it was a kiss, but that was as far as it went. At least, that’s what he said, and I believe him.”

“So he kissed some office skank and then broke off the engagement?”


“No? He didn’t break up with you?”

“No. It wasn’t an office skank.” Jaime takes a deep breath before continuing. “It was a man.”

“He kissed a man?”

“Yeah. He realized that he was gay.”

“Gavin is gay?”

“Apparently after we broke up, he spent some time soul-searching and realized that he loved me as a friend, but not as a man loves the woman he’s pledging to spend the rest of his life with. He was fighting his attraction and feelings for the same sex, probably always had been.”

“Wow,” I reply, taking it all in.

“Yeah. I guess he and Chad started seeing each other recently. He says they’ve really hit it off and he’s happy.”

“And Chad is?”

“The coworker.”

“And you are?”

“I’m okay. I feel like I’m finally able to put this all to rest. I know there was nothing more I could do to make him happy or make him love me more. It wasn’t me, and I’ll be honest, ever since it happened, I always thought it was my fault, that I did something wrong.”

“You did nothing wrong, sweetheart. I’m sorry he hurt you, that you had to endure that heartache.”

“I’m finally able to see that now. I mean, I was there, I knew it, but he gave me the closure I think I desperately needed. Being with you, well that was when I knew what happened with Gavin was supposed to occur, because we were supposed to happen.”

Instead of confirming what I already know, I choose to kiss her lips instead. It’s an affirmation that yes, we were supposed to happen. When I pull back, her eyes are dancing with exhilaration.

“So, back to that question you asked me,” she says, pulling me in close once more. Her lips dance along the shell of my ear, her tongue darts out as if stealing a taste.

“I’m all ears.” My voice sounds foreign, even to myself.

She turns and looks me straight in the eye. Green eyes dance with excitement as I wait to hear that single word that will set me on the path I’m ready to travel. A path that I’ll travel with Jaime, maybe even for the rest of my life.

Her lips graze across mine, her breath rushing out in quick pants. “Yes.”

Gazes locked, I slam my lips into hers fiercely. There’s no teasing or tenderness in this kiss. It’s full of want and passion. It’s full of love. My love.

Suddenly, I’m removing her shirt, exposing a soft pink bra made of lace. Her nipples are already erect and straining through the delicate material, beckoning for my touch and calling for my mouth.

I run my tongue along the lace-covered peaks. Blood swooshes through my ears, drowning out the sound of her joyous moans. Tugging the material, I reveal two perfect tits, the nipples wet from my mouth. “Say it again.”

“Yes,” she whispers once more.

Hearing that word sparks another onslaught of red-hot lust. I need nothing more than to rid her of every piece of clothing she’s wearing and bury myself to the hilt inside her body. Claim her. Possess her. It’s all I can think about, everything I want. Her. I fucking need her.