My heart sings in my chest at the thought of finally seeing Ryan again. It has been the longest and loneliest week of my life without him, especially when he’s just a text away. I’m still smiling when Payton comes back from her afternoon deliveries.

“Anything happen while I was gone?” she asks, dropping down onto the wooden stool behind the counter.

“Nope. Nothing.”

“Damn. I was hoping you’d have some massive floral rush that required half the town to stop in and purchase flowers.”

“Well, I did sell something to the pharmacist who stops by to get something for his ‘friend’.” His friend is his mistress.

“God, what a tool. I hate making money off a jerkwad like that,” she says before looking me over with a critical eye. “What’s going on? Why are you so happy?”

“Oh, nothing, except that Ryan just sent me a message asking me to dinner tonight,” I say in a singsong voice.

“And you’re going, right?”

“Of course I’m going. I miss him like crazy,” I reply, turning my attention away from the already clean bench.

“Are you going to answer him tonight?”

“Yep. Definitely going to give him an answer. I can’t wait to see the look on his face,” I add, recalling how happy he was the moment I told him that I loved him too. I imagine the moment is going to rank right up there with that one.

“I would ask you to call me with all the details, but I imagine the two of you are going to be pretty busy most of the night,” she sasses. “Especially when you haven’t seen each other all week.”

We’re laughing together as the bell over the front door announces a customer. Payton looks up first, her face instantly full of surprise. Her statuesque posture causes a tingle of unease to slip down my spine. I’m almost afraid to turn around and see who just walked in. Whoever it is has left my sister speechless.

Finally giving in to the temptation, I turn towards the door and come face to face with Gavin.

My ex.