“Nope. Most troubles seem to be centered around females. But in my experience, those troubles are the best kinds.” His soft laughter fills the air.

Silence surrounds us once more as he waits me out. “I want something from your granddaughter that I’m afraid she’s not ready for.”

“Ahhh. I think I understand a little. You’re ready for something more than you think my granddaughter can give.”

I nod my head in confirmation.

“Son, let me tell you something about our Jaime. She loves fiercely, which I’m sure you’ve discovered. But she also loves completely. There’s no doubt that she loved that jackass she was going to marry before.” I bristle at the thought.

“But she didn’t love him completely. She didn’t look at him the way I’ve seen her look at you. She didn’t smile or laugh as much either. Do you know why that is?” Words lodge painfully in my throat, refusing to escape.

“Because she loves you completely. Believe it, Ryan. She’s timid and scared because of her previous mistakes, but don’t let that fear detour you from seeing the big picture here. She’s in love with you, completely, with her whole heart. There’s not a doubt in my mind. It’s the same way I look at my Emmy. It’s the same way Trisha used to look at Brian before the cancer took her from us. It’s everlasting and whole. Believe that.”

Orval’s gaze is fierce. “So whatever it is you’re going to ask her, just do it. She might not answer you right away, but that’s because she’s going to give it her complete thought and attention. She won’t make a big decision without considering it from all angles. She’ll probably need to make a list like she used to when she was younger. Give her time and space, but don’t give up on her. Time together means nothing, Ryan. I knew the moment I met my Emma that she was the one. The same way I’m sure you know it with Jaime. When she’s ready, she’ll make you the happiest man on the face of the earth.”

I consider his words, mulling them over again and again while we listen to the night. His words confirm my suspicions that Jaime will pull back until she’s had time to process her feelings. Asking her to move in with me will surely rock her foundation, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Being without her isn’t an option anymore. I’m ready to take that leap, ensuring more time with her.

“My little problem seems to have subsided,” Orval says as he stands. I catch myself before I’m able to glance down at his shorts. That’s an image I don’t need repeated in my mind. “Think it over, Ryan, and when you’re ready, know that she’ll give your question complete consideration.”

With that he turns and heads towards the back door. “And for the record, I’m certain she’ll happily agree to whatever it is you want to ask her.” Orval grins a broad smile and heads inside.

His words only seal the deal where she’s concerned. It’s settled. When we get home tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to take her to my place and ask her to move in with me. I’m ready, and I’m sure she’s ready as well. She’s already said she loved me, and that was a hurdle I was afraid she’d never jump over. But she did.

And now it’s time to take the next step towards my future with Jaime.

I only hope she doesn’t push me away for too long while she decides.


Jaime chats animatedly during our drive back to Jupiter Bay. The sun is high in the sky as we cruise along the highway, only a few miles an hour over the speed limit. Though I’m anxious to get home, traffic is a little on the heavy side on this Sunday afternoon and is slowing down the trip. Unable to pass, I tap my foot nervously on the floorboard as the sign for the city limits of home finally comes into sight.

“Are you all right?” Jaime asks, her hand on my leg pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yeah, sure. Why?” I ask, glancing over to see the sunlight reflecting off her hair.

“You just seem distracted, that’s all.” She shrugs and gives me a timid smile.

“Yeah, sorry. I guess I was. I have something I want to talk to you about when we get back to my place.”

I notice her brow wrinkle as I return my eyes to the road, slowing down to abide by the city speed limits. My heart is racing and my right foot twitches to apply a little more pressure to the pedal. “It’s nothing bad, sweetheart. In fact, I think it’s great. Don’t worry,” I reassure her as I grab her hand and kiss her knuckles.

After pulling into my driveway, Jaime’s car is still parked in the street where we left it, I hop out of the truck and run to retrieve our bags as if my ass were on fire. The keys are in my hand and the front door is open only a few seconds later.

Dropping our bags on the floor, I practically drag her into the kitchen. Placing my hands on her shoulders, I gently push her into the first seat. Then I pace. I move from the table to the kitchen sink and back again. Suddenly, the words I’ve been anxious to say won’t come. My mind blanks and I have no clue how to start this conversation.

“Ryan?” she whispers behind me.

Turning and facing her, I stall. “Do you want a drink?” I grab two bottles of water from the fridge and place one in front of her. Then I proceed to practically drain my entire bottle in one long gulp. Even after the water is gone, my throat still feels parched, my tongue thick.

“So…Jaime, I was thinking…” Again, I start to pace.

“Ryan!” Jaime proclaims, breaking through and grabbing my attention. “Will you please sit down? You’re starting to scare me,” she says, her voice dropping to just above a whisper.

Quickly, I move to the table. Grabbing the chair across from her, I position it so that I’m sitting beside the table, directly in front of her. I reach for her hand and cradle it in my own. Running my thumb along the soft flesh over her hand, my heart starts to calm, nerves fade away.

“Hi,” I say with a smile, her gorgeous green eyes directly in front of me.

“Hi,” she replies with her own timid grin.