Chapter Twenty-Three


The sun is high in the sky, reflecting brightly off the blue ocean water.

We slept in, both of us apparently in desperate need of a little extra sleep. With no work obligations or other responsibilities to tend to, it was easy to forget everything for a little while and just relax. When I felt Ryan stir beside me, the clock on the nightstand read almost eleven.

We’re both standing at our room door, ready to spend the day visiting all of the tourist places and specialty shops. I’m wearing my favorite blue summer dress with little white flowers, and cute white sandals. Coincidentally, Ryan is wearing khaki shorts and a blue polo shirt that looks as if it were cut from the same cloth as my dress. We’re matchies in that super cute, bordering on annoying way that I never thought I’d find charming. But I do.

“Before we go, I want to tell Phyllis that we’ll be missing dinner tonight. I have other plans,” he says, wagging his eyebrows suggestively.

“Do these other plans involve food of any kind?” I ask, giving him my best flirty smile over my shoulder as I open the door.

“Oh, don’t worry, babe,” he says, leaning in as we stop to secure the door behind us. “There will be eating.”

The provocative tone and naughty smile he gives me causes warmth to flood between my legs all over again. It’s a natural and common occurrence whenever Ryan Elson is present. He bends down and places a tender kiss on my lips. It’s completely PG, but the gleam in his eyes isn’t.

“Let’s go before I decide to forget the entire day and just keep you tied to the bed.” Ryan grabs my hand and starts to lead me towards the staircase.

“That doesn’t sound too bad, actually,” I reply, tugging against his hand to try to slow his progress.

Before he can say anything further, the door before us opens. Instantly, I’m reminded of the competition we engaged in with the couple occupying the front bedroom. I feel the color burning my cheeks as we approach the open doorway. Ryan and I both avert our eyes, watching very closely each step we make towards the staircase that represents our freedom.

“Jaime, sweetheart, is that you?” I hear in an all too familiar voice.

No. Can’t be. God isn’t that cruel.

Looking up, my green eyes slam into the sparkling ones of my grandma.

Oh. My. God!

My mouth hangs open, my brain refuses to process thoughts and make words. I’m standing there, traumatized to the point of being speechless, while Grandma smiles sweetly and innocently.

Oh. My. God! I heard my grandparents having sex. Loudly!

“What are you doing here?” I ask hoarsely after Ryan squeezes my hand.

“Grandpa and I decided yesterday that since you and Ryan were going away for the weekend, maybe we would enjoy some time away as well. The Fellers were supposed to come here this weekend, but were unable to make it since Mabel fell and sprained her knee. They offered us their reservations to this cute little place they come to every summer.”

Grandpa steps out into the hallway, a surprised look on his face when he sees Ryan and me standing in the hallway. “Jaime? What are you doing here?”

“This is where Ryan brought Jaime for their little weekend away,” she says with a sassy grin. “Can you believe it? Out of all the bed and breakfasts in Virginia, we booked the same one!” Grandma adds enthusiastically.

“I can’t believe it,” Ryan adds, the corner of his mouth twitching just enough to give away the fact that he’s fighting a smile.

Grandpa walks over to Ryan and shakes his hand. “So, you guys were here last night, huh?” he asks, bumping Ryan’s shoulder with his, not the least embarrassed by the fact that they had a screaming orgasm match with their own granddaughter.

I see Ryan blush a little and give grandpa a small smile.

“You guys look like you’re going out. I know! Why don’t we go do something together?” Grandma asks, looking over at Grandpa.

Before Ryan or I am able to politely decline, Grandpa steps in. “Oh, Emmy, you know these kids want to be alone. Do you remember our first weekend away from our parents? We went to that little theatre to see that variety show a few towns over and slipped away to the men’s restroom before intermission?”

A choking sound files the hallway, and I’m surprised to realize it came from me.

“Of course I remember. We stayed at that charming little hotel above the theatre that didn’t have locks on the doors.”

“Come on, love. Let’s leave these kids to their own devices. We’re going to picnic on the patio out back for lunch,” he says, heading towards the stairs. Together, we all descend in silence.