Without responding, I throw my arms around my sister and squeeze. “Thank you for all of the support and encouragement you’ve given me. I don’t think I’d be ready to take this step if it weren’t for you.”

“Of course you would have, but if you want to give your beautiful older sister all the credit for the matchmaking, I’ll take it!” Payton pulls back and smiles at me.

“Maybe I can return the favor sometime,” I add, my mind flashing through mental pictures of local guys who would be perfect for her.

“Oh, no. No you don’t! I don’t need a man. I’m completely content being single and running my shop.” I watch as she quickly keeps her hands busy by rearranging the daisies that are already displayed beautifully in the engraved vase.

“If you say so,” I reply in a singsong voice.

I can’t fight the smile that spreads across my lips as I sweep up the mess on the floor. Payton isn’t destined to be alone any more than any of my other sisters. She’s funny, driven, and beautiful, and she just needs a little nudge in the right direction.

I just moved Payton’s love life up to the top of my to-do list!


We’ve been on the road for an hour, but it feels like we just started the journey. Conversation flows so easily with Ryan. We’ve each shared details of our day, and I’ve taken several guesses about our destination. I’m rewarded with a smile with each guess, but he doesn’t give any hint as to whether I’m right or not.

“I have some big news to share with you,” I start as we draw closer to the southeastern tip of Virginia.

“I’m all ears,” he says, steering his big truck through countryside towns and small touristy destinations along the coast.

“I quit my job,” I tell him confidently and with a huge smile, loving what those words mean.

Ryan’s surprised, but I can see the excitement in his eyes. He’s excited simply because I’m excited. “Tell me more. You’re not moving two thousand miles away, are you?” He shoots me a look, and even through his sunglasses, I can see his concern. He’s fearful that I’m about to up and leave.

“No, no,” I reply quickly, grabbing his hand and linking our fingers. “I made a delivery earlier in the week to Addie’s Place.”

“Yeah, I know the place. We did some roof repairs there this past spring.”

“Well, the assistant to the director quit and she was going to start looking for someone to replace her. Before I realized what was happening, I offered myself to fill her vacancy.”

“That’s awesome, babe,” Ryan says, bringing my hand towards his mouth and brushing a kiss across my knuckles. “I’m not too familiar with what they do there, so fill me in.”

“It’s sort of a refuge for kids of all ages to go to play and learn after school or during the day if the parents need help. It’s completely run by donations and grants, and does great things for kids who are less fortunate.”

“That sounds like an amazing place, and I’m sure you’ll be a real asset to the kids. I’ve never really heard what they do there, but I might just have to check into it further. If they survive on donations, maybe it’s time I add them to my list of business contributions.”

And there I go again, falling deeper in love with this amazingly supportive man.

“You’re amazing,” I tell him, unable to control myself as I lean over and place kisses all up and down his arm.

“Well, if that’s all it takes to get you all worked up, I’ll make donations more often,” he quips.

“All you need to do is look at me and I get worked up. Thank you, though, for considering a donation. I’m sure they’ll gladly accept any that they can get.”

“What are you going to be doing?” he asks as we pull into a small town called Travelers End. Ryan turns off the main highway and winds us through a local route along the water.

“I’m not sure. When I was there, Amber, that’s the assistant who’s leaving, was outside reading stories to a small group of preschoolers. They said the after-school kids would be arriving soon, so they were trying to have a little quiet time before the chaos of a dozen older kids descended upon the house.”

“I don’t think it matters what you’ll be doing, babe. It sounds like a great place,” he adds while pulling off the road and heading down a short, gravel drive.

“I’ve done a little research since I accepted. I can’t wait to start and do my part for these kids.”

Ryan stops the truck beside an older Buick parked beside a garage and shuts off the engine. My attention is pulled towards a massive white house with lush, bright flowers hanging from baskets along a sprawling wraparound porch. Rich, brown shutters line each window, and lace curtains appear to be blowing in the open windows.

“What is this place?” I ask, following suit as Ryan unbuckles his seat belt.

“This, sweetheart, is where we’re staying for the next two nights. It’s a little Bed and Breakfast owned by Danny’s grandparents. He said they’re generally booked up months in advance, but when he called, they just happened to have a cancellation for this weekend.”