Chapter Twenty-One


Last night was the memorial service for Paula. Not only did Payton’s shop make numerous deliveries of flower arrangements and plants, but Ryan asked me to go with him. It was our first big public display of togetherness, even if we’ve gone to dinner a few times. It felt like some sort of official proclamation to be at something so personal together, as if I was telling the world–or at least the town–that we were dating.

Not only did Ryan’s company purchase the biggest display of flowers that we delivered, but he also made both a business and personal contribution to their daughter’s schooling fund. As if I needed any more proof as to what type of man Ryan truly is, he goes and does something so selfless and caring that it brings tears to my eyes. “It’s only money,” he said after Orlando told me about the dual donations. “Your daughter’s future is more important than it sitting in some bank account somewhere,” Ryan had said before he hugged his friend.

I have yet to tell Ryan about my new job offer. I know, I know what you’re going to say, but things have been a little hectic with his job and the memorial service. My plan is to tell him this weekend when we get to wherever it is we’re going.

My bags are packed and in the trunk of my car, just waiting for the clock to strike two o’clock. Ryan isn’t giving any inclination as to our destination, either. All he will say is that it’s somewhere down the coast.

I’m giddy with excitement as I check the clock for the ten thousandth time since arriving at Blossoms and Blooms at nine this morning. Rachel has been working more hours lately, and has expressed interest in filling my vacancy when I leave for Addie’s Place. She’s more of the ‘as needed’ part timer with just a handful of hours each pay period. With her schooling schedule, she was always content with that. However, school dismissed at the end of May, and she’s looking to fill more hours between the flower shop and Aces and Jacks, another local bar and grill that’s a frequent hangout for the twenties crowd.

Next week is my last week with Payton, and even though arranging flowers into beautiful creations isn’t my forte, I’m going to miss seeing and working with her. Payton and I, as the two oldest, have always been close. She supported me when the whole WeddingGate disaster went down, and helped scoop me up off the floor more times than I care to admit. I’m going to miss seeing her nearly every day, that’s for sure.

“Earth to Jaime,” Payton says just over my left shoulder, startling me.


“Jeez, what is with you this week? You’ve been lost in your own little world with this lovesick little smile on your lips. It’s nauseating,” she adds goodheartedly.

“Whatever,” I mumble. “I’m not lovesick.”

“Oh, come on. Even a blind man can see how much you care for him. Maybe it’s time you should tell him,” she advises while gathering up fresh daisies for a bouquet.

I don’t respond, but avert my gaze. That was a mistake. Eagle eye Payton zeros in on the change in my body language immediately. “What?” she asks.

“Nothing. Is Rachel coming in at two or are you going to cover the front counter?” I ask, deflecting.

“Jaime Marie Summer, look at me.” Her tone is direct and full of authority. It reminds me of our mother’s. Slowly, I turn around. Even slower, I draw my eyes upward until they’re looking into the green eyes of my sister. “Say it.”

“The other night, he told me he loved me,” I say in one hurried rush of words and air.

Payton’s jaw falls to the floor moments before she shrieks loud enough to wake half the dead at the cemetery. “OH MY GAWDDDDD! He said that he loved you? When? Where were you? Was it romantic? What did you say? Tell me, tell me! I need to know everything!”

“Calm down, Jessie Spano. Lay off the caffeine pills, will ya?” I ask, referring to a scene from my favorite childhood television show, Saved By The Bell.

She ignores my smart-alecky quip and stares me down until I produce the goods.

“Remember when I had to go pick him up at The Beaver?”


“Well, when we got back to his place, things started to get…hot, and he told me that he loved me.”

“Wait.” She gives me a pointed look. “So, he told you that he loved you…while you were having sex…while he was drunk?”

Well, when she says it like that it doesn’t sound as beautiful as it was. “It wasn’t like that. That night, things were different. It was slow and tender, and I could tell he was cherishing me. When he said it, there was conviction in his eyes. He meant every word. Plus, we talked about it the next morning.”

“So, what did you say?” she asks, anxiously waiting for my response.

“I might have said that I loved him too.”

“Might have said it? Honey, if you’re going to say it, you best be sure.”

“I am sure, Pay. I’ve known it for a bit now, but I was too afraid to put myself out there and say it first.”

“I’m so glad you finally jumped. I have a feeling that Ryan is different. Hell, I’ve seen how he’s different. When you’re in the room, it’s like no one else is around or matters. It’s sickening, actually,” she adds goodheartedly.