“Okay,” I tell him, concerned that something’s wrong. I don’t want to keep anything from Jaime, especially something that might involve her family.

“I’m going to ask Meghan to marry me.” I’m surprised by his admission, but thrilled nonetheless.

“That’s great news. When?”

“Later this year. Our anniversary is in December so I was thinking of doing it then.”

“That sounds like a great plan. You got the ring?”

“Yeah,” he says, taking his eyes off Meghan for a moment and looking at me. “I’ve had it for a few months now. I was waiting for the right time, and lately she’s been talking about going somewhere for our anniversary, so the idea presented itself to do it then, you know?”

“That’s awesome, man. Congrats,” I tell my new friend. Josh and I hung out for quite a while last night while the girls were having girls’ night, and with our conversations today, it only cemented the fact that I really like Josh Harrison.

“Thank you. I can’t wait to make her my wife,” he states while his eyes follow Meghan.

I get it. Even when things were good with Sara, I never pictured marriage and kids. But with Jaime, after only being with her for a month, I picture nothing but that scenario. I see her wearing white on the day she takes my last name. I see her belly round with my baby. I see her smiling face greeting me at the door every night when I come home from work. I know exactly how Josh feels right now, because I feel that too. We’re just not quite in the same place, relationship wise.


When the girls finish up their volleyball game, Jaime joins me in the lawn chair. She’s a bit breathy and has a light sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead. Honestly, the way she looks reminds me a bit of sex, which I’m finding I think about all the time in her presence. But when she reaches over, grabs the beer bottle from my hand, and tips it back, her lips touching the same glass mine just were, I’m unable to fight the flash of desire. Her ass presses against my growing erection as she talks to one of her sisters. It’s heaven and hell all at the same time.

“Ready to go?” she whispers against my ear.

“In a minute. I like holding you like this,” I reply, wrapping my arms around her, loving the way her body fits against mine.

Jaime snuggles against my chest as we both watch her family talk and enjoy dessert. Still full from lunch, Jaime and I opt to skip the sweets and remain seated in the chair. When no one is paying us any attention, I take her chin between my thumb and pointer finger and turn her until she’s facing me.

Her lips are plump and ripe, perfect for kissing. Ever since that first taste of her sweet lips, I’ve been unable to resist them. Leaning forward, I lightly graze my lips across hers. It’s featherlight, but, like all kisses shared with Jaime, it packs a punch.

I continue to sweep my lips across hers, slowly and deliberately, each movement calculated and precise. Neither of us rushes it. Instead, we take our time, savoring and tasting. I’m consumed by only Jaime, lost in a world where only she and I exist.

It takes one swipe of a tongue before the kiss turns molten. Heat and desire pools in my stomach and spreads through my veins like wildfire. I’m gone, trapped in a world between reality and fantasy. Everything I have, everything I am, is right here, wrapped in my arms, and kissing me with those sweet, heavenly lips.

“Get a room,” Lexi hollers from the picnic table.

Snickers are heard around me, but I keep my attention solely on the woman in my arms. Her lips are bee-stung swollen as I stare at her. Three little words are on the tip of my tongue, begging to spill from my lips. I hold her gaze, silently wondering if she is repeating those same three words over and over again in her head as I am in mine.

I’m rewarded with a smile so perfect it was surely created by the angels themselves. Without saying a word, I help her stand and extend my hand. We walk towards my truck, ignoring the catcalls and the whistles. There’s only one thing on my mind–one person. She’s standing beside me with the most beautiful smile and flawless lips; lips that I can’t get enough of. I want more. I need more.

All of her kisses are this consuming. Every. Single. One.

These are my kinda kisses.


My phone rings for the second time since I climbed the ladder to set this roof tress. If I wasn’t suspended two stories above the ground, I’d grab it, but seeing that my safety and that of three of my employees is at risk, I let it go to voicemail again.

We’ve had several consecutive days of beautiful July weather, which makes working outside a lot easier. The sun is shining brightly, high in the sky, but a light breeze blows from the water, which makes for comfortable afternoons in Jupiter Bay.

The tractor holds the tress steady while Danny and I work on this half to fasten it in place. My tool belt is loaded with nails as I drive one after another into the two-by-six, securing each piece of the roof onto the wall. We’ve been up here half the day, but should be finished by quitting time.

“You have a good holiday, boss?” Danny asks while we wait for the next tress to be brought up.

“Yeah, it was good. You?”

“Went to Sheila’s parents by the Bay. They had a big cookout. Where’d you go?” he asks, a hint of a smile crossing his mouth.

In a small town like Jupiter Bay, I’m sure everyone already knows that I’ve been seeing Jaime. Hell, it’s not like we were hiding it. If fact, if it were up to me, I’d be painting that shit on the water tower, or whatever it is people do nowadays to proclaim their relationship status. If I had Facebook, I’m make sure to mark ‘In a relationship’ and tag her.