Chapter Eighteen


“You any good at bags?” Orval asks, pulling my attention away from the gently seductive curve of Jaime’s ass as she runs to play with her sisters.

“Not bad,” I tell him moments before he tosses a red beanbag from their corn-hole game into my gut.

“You’re lucky I missed. Now get rid of that hard-on. You’re on Brian’s team. Lord knows he could use all the help he can get.” I glance over and see the small smile playing on Jaime’s dad lips, even while his head is shaking.

Nothing kills an erection faster than your girlfriend’s grandparent drawing attention to it in the presence of her father. In fact, since I met Orval and Emma, they’ve essentially squashed many hard-ons. He’s like hard-on repellant.

Wait. That doesn’t sound right.

Shaking my head, I jump up and head towards Brian. When I reach his side, he hands me a beer. “You get used to the constant state of embarrassment that seems to accompany their presence. Back when I started dating Trish, I wanted to crawl under a rock on more than one occasion.”

I snort as I raise the bottle to my lips.

“Ryan, get over here. You’re supposed to be across from your partner,” Orval chastises as Chris, who is Orval’s partner, takes his place next to Brian.

“We play the winners,” Josh says as he and Levi pull up lawn chairs beside us.

We each take a few practice throws before we start keeping score. The first thing I realize is that there’s a lot of trash-talk in this family. Not only is it spilling across the yard from the girls, but from the guys too. In fact, Orval seems to be leading the pack.

“Since you boys are all dating my granddaughters, I -” Orval starts, but is cut off.

“Wait. I’m not dating a granddaughter. We’re just friends,” Levi cuts in, sitting up straight in his chair.

“Potato, poe-tah-toe. Maybe you should get your keester off the sidelines and play ball before someone else benches you for good.” The pointed look he gives Levi has him sliding back down in his seat and averting his gaze. Interesting.

“What I want to talk with you about today is sexting,” Orval says as he throws his first bag.

Eyes as wide as dinner plates, I look over to Levi and Josh and see them both snickering uncontrollably.

“Don’t laugh, don’t laugh. Back in the day, we didn’t have these fancy little devices that you could use to send dirty messages or pictures. We had to draw a picture and send it in the mail or use the telephone and call them. Now, with all this technology stuff, you guys can snap a dick pic or send a naughty message in seconds.”

Josh spews the swig of beer he just took. “Did he just say dick pic?” he asks Levi.

“I’m serious, boys. Girls love getting naughty messages. It lets them know you’re thinking about them.”

“Or you could send a message that says thinking of you,” I add through fits of laughter.

“Boring. Nothing says I miss you and am thinking of you like a picture of your dick.” Orval says with a pointed look. “Emma loves it when I send her messages on her little phone-thingy. It makes her all sorts of crazy when I’m in the next room and she gets a picture of me holding my -” Orval says, but is cut off again.

“Dick pics. Got it. Thanks.” Tears brim Levi’s eyes as he tries to control his laughter.

“You boys will thank me one day,” Orval adds with a firm head nod.

“Where would we be without you, Orval?” Josh asks, fighting to control his own laughter.

“Probably at home–alone–with your Penthouse magazine and a bottle of lotion,” he says as he throws his bag, sinking it in the hole.

The rest of the afternoon progresses with more laughter and goodhearted teasing. I’ve never had such an enjoyable afternoon in all my life. Orval and Chris beat us the first game, but Brian and I took Levi and Josh the next time we were up.

Sitting in the shade, I’m enjoying a cold beer with Josh. “So, can you keep a secret?” he asks as we both watch the girls play volleyball.


“You can’t even tell Jaime,” he says under his breath.