“I’m going to have to break out BOB tonight,” AJ mumbles to another chorus of laughter.

“Bob?” I ask.

“Battery operated boyfriend,” Lexi replies before breaking out into more laughter. I’m pretty sure the burn in my cheek is a blush.

It’s a long fifteen minutes as I deliver Jaime’s sisters to their respective homes, especially when they’re talking about sex the entire way. When the truck is finally quiet, I glance over and see startling green eyes focused entirely on me.

“Can I stay at your place tonight?” she asks. As if there was any other option.

Nodding my head, I reach over and link her fingers within mine as I make my way towards my condo. Jaime waits as I slip around to the passenger seat to help her out. Keeping one arm wrapped around her, I open my door, thankful to finally be inside the privacy of my own home.

The moment the door is secure, Jaime pounces. She leaps into my arms, causing me to stumble a few steps until I right myself. Her lips are urgent and filled with passion as she deepens the kiss. We go from zero to sixty in less than a second with no sign of slowing down. We’re each grasping at clothes, yanking and pulling until there’s nothing between us but air.

I lead us to my bedroom, savoring the taste of her beer-stained lips every step of the way. Still wrapped around me, I press her against the wall, my throbbing cock so very close to sliding into heaven.

“Can I tell you something?” she whispers against my ear.


Jaime pulls back slightly so that she can see my eyes. “I’m falling for you.”

Her words are heavy as they settle right in the middle of my chest. I grip her ass and pull her as close as possible, her legs wrap tightly around my waist. “Is this the alcohol or Jaime speaking?”

“A little of both, I guess. If not for the alcohol, I’m not sure I would have the courage to tell you, but they’re still my words.”

Shaking my head, I keep my eyes locked on hers. “Well, then, it’s only right to confess that I’m falling for you too.”

The truth is that I’ve already fallen. I’m in love with her, but I still won’t say it. I don’t want the first time I proclaim my love for her to be while she’s intoxicated and I’m about to thrust inside of her ready body. I want it to be perfectly timed where she’s liable to receive my declaration better.

Instead of plunging forward against the wall the way I had planned only moments ago, I move us towards my bed. Laying her down atop the comforter, I cover her body with my own. Her skin is warm and her face flush, and the look in her eyes convey everything I need to know. Trust. Desire. Love.

“I need a condom,” I state, caressing her lips with my own.

“Please hurry,” she replies breathlessly. I make quick work at sheathing myself and slide back atop her waiting body. Our gaze is fire and locked on each other as I push forward, sending us both spiraling into a world of pure nirvana, like nothing I’ve ever known.

Jaime is quickly becoming my world, my everything. Life without her in it doesn’t seem like much of a life at all. In fact, it would fucking suck sweaty, hairy balls.

So, I vow to make sure she’s always a part of my life. I won’t let her go. Hell, I won’t be able to. Even if I wanted to, I need her like I need air. She’s it for me.

The one.