“Yeah, they have a way of sticking with you,” I confirm knowing that even after only a month of seeing Jaime, I’d do just about anything for her family as well.

An hour and two glasses of water later, the girls are finally wrapping up their game. I’d be surprised if Jaime actually broke eighty points. Watching her laugh and carry on though, that was the highlight of my night. The more alcohol they consumed, it appears the livelier they became. Bon Jovi, Poison, and even Joan Jett had them rockin’ 80’s hits like they were on stage, but let’s not get into how bad they were off-key.

“Handsome, take me home,” Meghan proclaims as she struts to the bar, if not slightly unsteady on her feet.

“I’d be honored, beautiful. Let’s get you to bed,” Josh replies. He practically jumps off his stool and throws money on the bar before turning and catching his girlfriend in his arms when she stumbles. Josh waves as he leads a tipsy Meghan towards the exit.

Turning my attention back towards the others, I find the five remaining sisters making their way towards me. Jaime’s leading the pack and none of them appear to be any more stable on their feet than Meghan was.

“I need a favor,” Jaime purrs in my ear, her warm breath tickling my ear and sending all blood rushing southbound towards my belt.

“Anything for you, gorgeous.” Her eyes dance with excitement.

“Well, since you and Josh were both here, we decided that the designated driver for the night could have the night off. Since Josh and Meggy already left, that leaves you and your truck.”

My cock doesn’t mistake how she licks my earlobe as if to punctuate her statement. “So you need me to give everyone a ride home?”

“Yes, please. I promise to reward you handsomely.” Again, that wicked tongue darts out and slides along my jawline.

“We stopped drinking an hour ago, and I only had a few beers, so I’m fine to drive,” I tell her, wrapping my arms around her thin waist and pulling her in close.

“I figured. Josh always stops drinking early in the evening so he can drive us home. This may or may not be the first time our DD has ended up three sheets to the wind.”

I open my mouth to respond, but she cuts me off. “But don’t worry, if we didn’t have a driver, we would call Grandma. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s come to collect us.”

“Good to know you guys wouldn’t drive intoxicated. I’d be happy to take them all home. Might be a tight fit though. I only have seating for five.”

“That’s okay, Ryan. We’re used to piling in the back of a truck. At least your truck is a crew cab. Josh’s is only a cab and a half. Try fitting four in the back and three in the front of that thing!” Lexi exclaims through laughter.

“That was the night I got my head stuck between the seat and door panel,” AJ says somberly.

Jaime, Payton, Lexi, and Abby all burst out laughing, each one competing to be louder than the others.

“All right, ladies, let’s head out before they kick us out.”

With my hand resting comfortably at the base of her spine, I steer a weaving Jaime towards the truck. The giggles get louder the closer we get to my vehicle.

“Is this, like, the scene of the crime?” Payton giggles, her green eyes brimming with unshed tears.

“Oh God, it is! This is where they did it before the Po Po interrupted,” AJ adds.

“Hey, Ryan? Is it true you went outside without your clothes on?” Lexi asks, her eyes bright with laughter.

“Wait. You were free-ballin’ it?” AJ’s mouth is wide open as she stops, awaiting my answer.

“Ladies, ladies, ladies. Let me just tell you, Ryan has nothing to be ashamed of in the package department. In fact, I think he got a lot more than his share, if you know what I mean,” Jaime adds before being greeted by a chorus of hoots and hollers.

I shake my head and open the back door. Three slide in, while Jaime and Payton slide in the front. They’re a mess of giggles and cackles as I pull out of the lot and head towards AJ’s apartment.

“No wonder you couldn’t wait to get back to his place. If he’s packin’ that kinda meat–and he wasn’t already taken–I would have jumped him in the parking lot before he even had the truck in drive,” Payton says.

“Jaime, are we talking bratwurst or summer sausage?” Lexi questions from the back seat.

“We’re talkin’ the biggest summer sausage I’ve ever seen.” Jaime turns around as far as she can, considering the seatbelt to nod her head. “Like…big.” She uses her two hands and moves them apart a good fourteen inches.

As good as she is for my ego, clearly she’s exaggerating the size of my cock. If they weren’t three sheets to the wind right now, I’d put a stop to her comparing my man-meat to a something you’d buy in the grocery store. But it’s actually kinda hysterical–and flattering–so I let them go.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen a bratwurst, let alone enjoyed a summer sausage,” Abby says absently. By the look on her face and the redness in her cheeks in the rearview mirror, I’m pretty sure she didn’t intend to say that out loud.