“You are the worst bowler in the history of bowlers, Jaime. Even the blind girl I went to school with was better than you.”

“Thanks, Joshy Washy,” I say in a sing-song voice while ruffling his hair in a total juvenile move.

“You know I hate it when you call me that,” Josh growls, rapidly smoothing down the wild locks.

“You started it by insulting my bowling skills. How do you know I’m not sandbagging so that the others don’t feel so bad about their own lacking?”

“I’m going to tell them you said that,” he retorts before taking another sip of his beer. “And unless you sandbag every time you play, which I’m pretty sure you don’t, then I think I’ll stick with my original claim. You suck.”

Turning my attention to the bartender, I place my order before glancing at Ryan. “What are you snickering about?” I ask.

Leaning forward until he’s a whisper away from my ear, Ryan says, “I was just thinking about how much I love it when you suck.”

Warmth spreads up my neck and burns my cheeks at his dirty little insinuation. It catches me so far off guard that I’m unable to come up with a single retort. My tongue is thick and my mind filled with naughty images featuring Ryan and myself. And if the wicked gleam in his eye is any indication, I think it’s safe to say he’s picturing the same things.


“You prefer when I’m being bad,” he whispers as he slides a single finger down my forearm and wraps his arm proprietarily around my waist. It’s a claim. A statement. He’s letting everyone know that I’m his.

Before, I would have scoffed at the notion. Now? I want to wrap my arms around his shoulders and let his lips make a declaration of their own.

“Don’t let the others see you do that,” Josh says to Ryan. “It’s a law that no boys are allowed on girls’ night.” Josh makes air quotes when he says the last two words.

“Yet you’re always in attendance every month,” I sass back.

“I’m watchin’ my girl.” His eyes seek out Meghan.

“No one’s going to mess with her, Josh. We won’t let them,” I say.

“I know, Jaime. I just like to see her having a good time with you guys. She’s been working crazy hours at the dental office and it makes me happy to see her enjoying herself.”

“And you being here, ready to take her home at the end of the night has nothing to do with it?” My smile is wide and I feel Ryan’s hand flex against my hip, as if confirming his intentions for later this evening as well.

“Well, that’s an added perk,” Josh confirms with a laugh.

“Jaime, quick fraternizing with the enemy! Get over here and play!” Payton hollers.

“Yeah, no boys, remember?” Abby adds.

As if on cue, the bartender places a tray with three beers and a margarita in front of me. I try to retrieve my wallet, but Ryan drops a twenty on the bar before I’m able to dig one out.

“I’ll pay you back later,” I tell him with a wink as I grab the tray.

“I look forward to it.”

There’s a little extra swing in my hips as I make my way towards my sisters to resume our game. But the entire time I’m playing, I’m watching the clock, waiting for the moment I can make my escape with Ryan.