Chapter Fifteen


“The convict is up,” AJ hollers over the 80’s hairband music pumping through the overhead speakers at The Lanes, a local bowling alley.

It’s sisters’ night, and all six of us are competing for bragging rights as the top bowler. For as good as I am at putt putt golf, I’m a horrible bowler. Surprisingly, Abby is the star bowler of the family. For someone who hates all sorts of physical activities and keeps her nose firmly in the pages of a book, she’s shockingly good at throwing a bowling ball.

It has been a week since my run-in with the local law. Between Grandma and Payton, who I have yet to forgive for sending the grandparents to bail us out, the entire family knew about our pending incarceration before they even pulled into the parking lot at the county jail.

Ryan and I have spent every waking hour together–and some not-so-waking hours. In fact, I spent three of the last seven nights at his house. And the ones that I wasn’t there, I was up half the night with him on the phone. We are firmly lodged in coupledom, even if that was never my intention. So much for taking it slow and steady. Instead, we’re officially dating and doing all things expected of us as a couple.

I don’t find myself freaking out the way I would have expected when facing my first relationship since my broken engagement. My need to make major life lists has also seemed to decrease. It’s like Ryan evens me out, neutralizes me in a way I never expected. Now, my lists are little things like what ingredients I need to make dinner and gift ideas for Ryan’s birthday in a few months.

Every time I feel that hesitation creep up, I think about the way I feel when he kisses me, and that uncertainty seems to fade away. I’m nowhere near ready for marriage, but I realize I’m settling into the idea of a future with Ryan more comfortably than expected.

In fact, let’s be honest: I feel a lot more than comfort when it comes to him.

The way my heart skips a beat and pounds recklessly in my chest when he’s near is a sure sign of something more. Throw in the fact that I can literally picture him in every scenario I conjure up involving my future, and that’s another indication. He’s everywhere, surrounding me like a warm blanket. I feel him breaking down the final barriers, exposing my mangled heart. I just pray he’s willing to mend the pieces and make me whole again instead of the alternative, which would destroy me.

Ryan’s right, there’s something special between us. I do feel it. I feel myself falling more and more for him every single day, yet I’m still scared. But it’s his strength and determination that keeps me pushing forward, towards him instead of running away.

“Jaime, are you taking your turn or just going to continue daydreaming about lover boy?” Lexi asks, waggling her eyebrows.

I’m pulled from my thoughts and notice all of my sisters staring at me, most with knowing smiles on their faces. Of course, they think I’m lost in fantasies of Ryan, not that I’m trapped in my own mind again and trying to keep the panic at bay. I’ve let him in, plain and simple, and it scares the hell out of me.

Hell, I didn’t let him in, the sneaky bastard weaseled his way in and burrowed in for the long haul.

“Yeah, I’m going,” I declare, hopping up from the hard chair to retrieve my ball.

The Lanes does cosmic bowling every Saturday night, which features a big selection of neon balls that glow under the black lights and disco balls. I slide my fingers in the neon pink one and take my stance. Def Leppard wails overhead as I send my ball spiraling down the lane. At the last moment, it shoots towards the left gutter, barely clipping two pins.

“You suck,” Meghan giggles, tossing back her third margarita of the night. Or was it her forth?

“I’m a horrible bowler,” I confirm.

“I would suggest it has something to do with that tall drink of water staring at you from the bar, but I’ve seen you bowl before. You suck.” This from AJ.

Her words finally permeate my mind, and I quickly glance behind me at the bar. Ryan is sitting there, right next to Josh. Meghan’s boyfriend always shows up at some point during our sisters’ nights, but I wasn’t expecting to see him sitting with Ryan. Earlier in the day, when I told him I would be going out this evening with my sisters for our monthly get-together, we made plans to attend my family’s July Fourth cookout tomorrow. Never did he mention that he planned to show up this evening.

I smile as realization sets in. I’m happy he’s here–excited, even. Never had someone of the opposite sex shown up for me during one of our Saturday night outings. Always Meghan, sometimes AJ and Lexi, but never me.

“I can’t believe he’s here,” I mumble absently as my ball reappears for my second throw.

Eyes that I didn’t feel earlier are glued to my body as I take my position. Without even turning for confirmation, I can feel his gaze, heating my body clear down to my toes. Desire pools between my legs causing a break in concentration as I send it rolling. Halfway down the lane, my ball is in the gutter.

“I think he’s distracting her,” Payton says to Lexi.

“Hell, I’d be distracted too if someone looked at me like I was an ice cream sundae on a hot July day.” Payton elbows AJ, who just laughs at her own comment.

“Twenty bucks says they’re doing it in the parking lot before the night is over,” Lexi adds.

“Once a criminal, always a criminal.” The grin Meghan wears after her comment consumes her whole face. She gets that same look every time Josh is around.

“You should just stick to drinking tonight,” Abby suggests with a hint of a smile.

“I think you’re right,” I reply as I glance down at my empty beer bottle. “Anyone ready for another?”

When I get orders for three of my five sisters, I head up the bar. Brown eyes the color of dark, rich chocolate track my progress every step of the way as he chats with Josh. Each of them enjoying a beer, their conversation halts the moment I step beside them.