Chapter Fourteen


In my thirty-two years on this earth, I’ve never purposefully broken the law in such a manner that would warrant a visit from the police. Sure, I accidentally threw a baseball through the church window when I was twelve. I paid it back with lawn mowing. Sure, I drove through downtown blasting Nine Inch Nails while my buddy Eric car surfed on the roof. We had just seen Teen Wolf on some classic movie channel. And sure, I helped graffiti the old train trestle bridge my senior year with profanity. I also helped repaint the inside of that entire bridge afterwards as part of a community outreach program with the baseball team.

Point is: I have never seen the backseat of a cop car.

And I don’t want to start now.

“Show me your hands,” we’re instructed for a second time by a teenage Barney Fife who’s barely old enough to shave.

Jaime gasps and plasters a hand on each breast. “Oh my God!”

“I said show me your hands!” Barney says with as much authority as he can muster, yet with a hint of nervousness.

“Okay, okay, hold your horses,” I holler through the window.

I glance at the woman with my cock still buried deep inside her, as the light illuminates the fear in her eyes. Her legs try to close, though with her straddling me, that makes it impossible to conceal her nakedness.

“Would you mind lowering the light? There’s a lady in here,” I plea, using my own hands to help camouflage Jaime’s body from the direct beam of the spotlight.

“I don’t think so, buckaroo. Get out of the truck now before I call for backup,” he states shakily.

“All right, all right. I’m going to slip out of the truck,” I tell him.

Keeping my eyes locked on Jaime, I slowly start to move her towards the passenger seat. “I’m going to slip out and talk to him. You get dressed as quickly as possible.”

“But…you’re naked,” she whispers, her eyes wide and focused on mine.

“It’ll be okay, sweetheart.”

Placing a kiss on the end of her nose, I slide her over to the passenger seat and open the door. Barney’s standing there, one shaky hand holding the flashlight and the other on his holstered pistol. He looks like he’s about to piss his pants, and if I jumped towards him and hollered BOO, I bet he would.

“Good evening, sir,” I start as I move a single hand cover my junk. “I think we have a bit of a misunderstanding here. I was just talking to my girlfriend in there,” pointing over the shoulder towards my truck, “and, well, there’s nothing going on here to cause alarm.”

“Nothing going on?” the officer asks, his voice raising an octave. “You’re standing there naked as the day you were born, and you’re telling me there’s nothing going on here? I’ve got you on two counts of indecent exposure, not to mention trespassing on private land.”

“Well, with all due respect, officer, I wasn’t indecent until you asked me to step outside.”

Wrong thing to say.

Barney’s ears turn red, and a vein starts to pulse near his temple. Even in the low light reflecting off my own naked body, I can see it. Signs lead me to believe I just pissed the deputy off.

“Put your hands behind your head and face the truck,” he says, pulling his cuffs from behind his back as he gives my shoulder a gentle shove.

My mouth drops open, and I’m at a loss for words as I turn and face my work truck. My hands weave into my hair just before Barney kicks my feet apart.

This can’t be happening.

“Excuse me, officer?” I hear Jaime’s sweet voice moments before she flies around the front of the truck. “You can’t do that.”

She’s fully dressed now, though her hair is slightly disheveled, assuming from where I had my hands gripped in it just a short time ago. How the hell did we get so far off course?

“Ma’am, you need to step back and place your hands on the hood of the truck,” Barney says, pointing towards the front end.

“Oh my God,” she mumbles just before Rent-A-Cop throws the cold metal cuffs around my wrists. “At least let him get dressed,” she pleads, tears filling those gorgeous green eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re probably right. I don’t want things…exposed…in the car. Can you help him get dressed?” he asks Jaime.