Chapter Thirteen


The way Ryan peels out of the driveway is reflective of that of a NASCAR driver making a pit stop. I sit over on my half of the truck trying not to distract him further, even though I’d love to reach over and run an appreciative hand up his rock hard thigh. The poor guy is already drunk on lust and quite possibly only thinking with the little head. The last thing I need to do is tease him further, distracting him from the main task at hand: Driving us back to his place, as quickly as possible, without causing an accident.

His jaw is tight, his lips thin. If I hadn’t witnessed the transformation from polite Ryan to I want to rip your clothes off in less than one second Ryan, I wouldn’t have believed I was capable of provoking a reaction in a man that quickly. He looks ticked off, but I know that’s not the case. This man has the look of raw want and pure desire. Lord knows Gavin never responded to my mere presence like that, let alone made me feel like my kisses drove him wild.

Ryan reaches over and takes my hand. There’s a slight tremble, but I can’t tell if it’s his or mine.

“I just need to touch you right now, and this is probably the safest way,” he whispers, his voice hoarse and edgy.

“I can’t wait for you to touch me,” I state boldly.

He takes his eyes off the road for just a moment. They’re wild and round, his jaw ticks with strain. I’ve never witnessed another human so close to out of control. He’s teetering on a thin line, leaning heavily towards the side of rampant. Just one little nudge could cause this entire train to derail, our worlds to crash into one another, resulting in total annihilation.

It’s a sight I can’t wait to see, when Ryan loses all control.

I shouldn’t push…but I will.

“You know,” I start, loosening my seatbelt enough so that I can turn and face him. Leaning forward, I inhale the scent of his soap. He smells all clean and woodsy. Intoxicating. When my lips are just a breath away from his ear, I go for the kill. “I’m not wearing any panties.”

And just like that, the levee breaks. The control he’s been trying so hard to regain snaps like a toothpick. Ryan inhales deeply and swerves into the gravel alongside the road, but is easily able to regain control of the truck. He wasn’t going fast enough to cause an accident, but the motion sends my body swaying towards the dash.

Quickly, Ryan pulls onto a gravel access road for a field. The path runs between Mr. Gerard’s bean field and his timber, and seals us off from the main road. No one will be out on this path this evening, but by the look in Ryan’s eyes, I don’t think he cares much. His thoughts appear singular. Namely, me.

Before he even throws the truck into park, he’s reaching for me. My seatbelt is removed and I’m hoisted from my own seat and pulled onto his lap. Hungry lips crash into mine in a frenzy of desire, a need to taste and savor. His tongue is urgent and sinful as it probes my mouth over and over again, mimicking the act that our bodies crave.

My hands are pulling at his shirt until I feel the warm, hard flesh of his abdomen beneath my fingertips. God, how I love the way this man feels. He’s hard in all the right places, and right now, he’s definitely hard in one specific place.

“I need to feel you. Right. Now.” His words are urgent as he grips the bottom of my shirt and pulls it over my head in one swift motion.

We’re each clutching at any clothes we can, a frenzy of grabby hands hell-bent on shedding the other of all offending clothing. I have no clue how it happened in the position we’re in, but before I know it we’re both naked. Ryan’s erection is pressed firmly into my backside, my body wet and ready.

“Condom,” he bites out, trying to grab his discarded jeans.

I reach his pants first and retrieve his wallet. Ryan doesn’t say anything; just watches with hungry eyes as I find the packet inside and rip it open. Never having been brazen enough to do this, I maneuver myself so that I’m squatting beside him on the bench seat. Ryan’s breathing comes in short little pants and his eyes roll back in his head as I grip the base of his cock and place the condom at the head. I’ve seen this done before, but am still a bit uncertain how it actually works.

“Pinch the head of the condom and slide it down gently,” he instructs as if reading my thoughts.

I do as he instructs, loving the way his velvety steel length slides through my fingers. He’s panting as I slide the condom all the way to the base of his cock. My hands glide easily up and down his erection. Ryan thrusts upward into the tightness I’m creating with my hand.

“Now,” he growls, pulling me back towards him.

He manages to move his seat back, giving me as much room between him and the steering wheel as he can manage. My right leg is pinched between his outer thigh and the door, but the discomfort is the least of my concerns. Right now, I’m bracing myself with my hands against his shoulders, hovering over his cock.

“I’m sorry, baby. This is gonna be quick. I promise to do better next time,” he grunts, gripping my hips.

“Please hurry,” I plea, not caring about finesse or anything other than having him inside of me.

With one long thrust, Ryan pushes upward at the same time he brings me down on him. The impact steals my breath and causes the loudest moan to spill from my lips.

“Holy shit fuck damn,” Ryan whispers before pushing me up and pulling me back down hard.

His pace is hard, but so is mine. I move up his shaft and slam back down, feeling myself stretch around him as he buries himself as deep as he possibly can. After each thrust, I grind myself against the base, each time pushing me closer to release. My clit throbs as I move my body in a way to maximize friction against it.

“You feel so fucking amazing,” he groans as I continue to swirl my hips with him fully seated inside of me. “Shit, you keep doing that and I’m going to lose it.”

“I like this out of control side of you,” I confess.