“Stop it, Grandma. We all knew exactly where she was.” This from Payton.

Without acknowledging her granddaughter, Emma grabs her cell phone and dials. Since she put it on speakerphone, we’re all treated to the sound of the phone ringing.


“Orval, good news. You can call off the National Guard. We’ve found her. She’s over fornicating with that handsome construction worker.”

Now, it takes quite a bit to embarrass me. I don’t blush very easily. But when Jaime’s sisters all gasp or snicker, and every pair of eyes in the room focus on me, I can honestly say I feel my cheeks start to burn.

“She’s fornicating? Right now?”

“No, not right now, Orval, but the boy just answered the door practically naked and he’s sporting a hard-on bigger than that maple tree you cut down last winter.”

Again, all wide, horrified eyes return to me. Or more accurately, on my crotch.

“Grandma! You can’t say that!” Abby gasps, humiliated on my behalf.

“Oh, hush, child. I’m married, not dead.” Then her eyes dart down to my shriveled up manhood. He may never want to come out and play again.

Dropping my hands to my groin, I take several retreating steps until I feel the wall at my back. Even though I’m not sporting wood, I feel like my junk is on display. You know, one of those exhibits featured at a museum? Everyone just stands there, motionless and gawking.

“I’ll, uh, be right back. I’ll just go grab Jaime,” I mumble before slipping down the small hall and ducking into my room.

I slip inside the bedroom, careful to make sure the door is latched and locked properly. I definitely wouldn’t put it past that crazy ol’ lady to barge into my bedroom to have a peek at the goods. What I’m greeted with when I turn around steals the very air I breathe. Like a thief, Jaime Summer has snuck into my life and stolen something from me. Something I didn’t realize I was so anxious to give until this very moment.

Jaime stands before me wearing my shirt from last night. Her hair is tussled and wild, reminding me all over again of the many ways I spent giving her pleasure throughout the course of our evening. Her lips are slightly swollen and her eyes tired, yet still shining brightly.

All of a sudden, I’m ready to say screw it and ignore the houseguests anxiously waiting on the opposite side of the door. Screw them (figuratively) and screw her (literally). My dick is fully engaged in this new plan of operation.

“Is everything alright? I heard voices,” Jaime says as her eyes feast on my exposed chest. The combination of her lustful eyes and her sexy morning voice instantly rouses a possessive growl from my chest.

Dammit with her family’s shitty timing!

“Actually, I think you may want to get dressed. We have company.” I say, stepping closer until I feel her body heat against mine.

“Company?” she asks, snaking her warm arms around my waist.

“Yeah, apparently you not letting anyone know that you wouldn’t be home last night was cause for a bit of concern amongst the natives.”

“Concern with the natives? What are you talking about?”

“Your family is in the living room, and they won’t leave until I provide proof that I didn’t haul you off to my lair and murder you.” I chuckle now, the magnitude of the situation finally settling in.

“My family?” she whispers, bringing her hand up to her agape mouth. “They’re here? Oh my God.”

Pulling her into my arms once more, I say, “It’ll be alright. Let’s just head out there and make sure they know I didn’t dismember you and store you in my freezer. Then we can come back in here and hang out. Naked.” I wiggle my eyebrows and offer a cheesy grin.

Her laughter sends my blood flowing southward and my heart beating faster.

“I didn’t think I had to check in with them after I decided to stay here last night,” she says sheepishly, pulling away and reaching for her clothes.

“I imagine once we get this initial incident out of the way, they’ll know you’re with me if you should happen to not come home again.” At least she better be with me, because after last night, I’m sure as hell going to get her in my bed as much as possible.

“So, there’s going to be another sleepover? You’re awfully confident there, champ,” she sasses.

“Hell yes, there’s going to be another sleepover. And another after that, and one after that too.”

Jaime turns a beautiful shade of pink as she blushes from the top of her chest, clear up to her forehead. She tries to hide it by turning her back to me, but I saw it. I also couldn’t miss the way she fought to keep a smile from crossing her sweet lips.