Chapter Ten


The banging on the front door pulls me from a sex-induced, heavy sleep. It might very well have been the best night of sleep I’ve ever had. Hell, can you even call it sleep? There sure as hell wasn’t too much sleep going on. The images of Jaime splayed beneath me, naked and moaning, was enough to cause my dick to stir to life all over again. Three times I took her throughout the night, and I still haven’t had my fill. In fact, if the tent I’m pitching with the sheet is any indication, it’s safe to say I’m ready to go another three rounds with the lovely Jaime Summer.

Right now, however, I’m in need of getting rid of my insistent knocker.

Gingerly, I slip out of my bed and grab a pair of running shorts from the dresser. I’m still hard as granite as I take in the sight of Jaime sleeping on my other pillow. Her long, brown hair is a tangled mess and her breathing is still deep and steady. The desire to ignore my guest and climb back into bed with her is great, but I can’t do it. I’m sure the knocker is Mrs. Hanson, who often stops by for morning coffee on the weekend. While I’m not willing to just ignore her, I’m very anxious to get rid of her and return to the woman warming my sheets, so the quicker I get out front and answer the door, the quicker I’ll have Jaime’s long legs wrapped around me. Preferably my neck.

I don’t bother with the t-shirt. Another loud knock rings out just as I reach the living room door. Fearing that Mrs. H is going to wake up Sleeping Beauty in my bed, I rip the door open with a bit too much force, anxious to get on with the rest of my morning plans.

The faces I’m greeted with aren’t the ones I expected to see on the other side of my front door. Two of Jaime’s sisters are there, and their eyes are wide with shock and indignation, presumably at my lack of clothing. The shorter, younger sister’s eyes light up with laughter as she giggles. When she runs her eyes up and down my body in an appreciative way, I mentally kick myself for not grabbing that damn shirt. She doesn’t seem the least bit put out by my attire–or lack thereof. Payton, on the other hand, shies her eyes away and blushes a not-so-flattering shade of fuchsia.

“You must be Ryan,” the sister I don’t know says.

“I am.”

“Ryan, this is Alison, or AJ as we all call her. AJ, Ryan Elson.”

I take AJ’s offered hand and give it a gentle squeeze. Stepping back, I motion for Jaime’s sisters to step inside.

“Is she here?” AJ asks, the smile never leaving her face.

“She’s here. She’s sleeping,” I confirm.

Lexi turns to Payton who is casually browsing my DVD rack. “I knew she’d be here. I’m not the one freaking out.”

Before I can ask who she is referring to, I hear another car pull up, quickly followed by several doors closing. Stepping back over to the door, I see two women and a man practically running up my front walk. When I open the door, they’re already there, breaching the threshold only a moment later.

“Did you find her?” The twin sister that I haven’t met yet asks, her panicked face bouncing from AJ to Payton.

“She’s here,” Payton confirms.

“Oh, thank God!” another sister says.

I’m quickly starting to lose track of who is who. Payton must sense my confusion and introduces me to the three newcomers.

“Ryan, this is the other twin, Abby, as well as Meghan and her boyfriend, Josh.”

Josh steps forward to shake my hand, careful to keep his eye contact. More giggling ensues, once again reminding me that I’m severely underdressed at this little family gathering.

“Nice to meet you,” I tell him before giving waves to Meghan and Abby.

“Sorry it was like this,” Josh says sheepishly.

“I’m just gonna run…” I point towards my closed bedroom door before rubbing my hand along the back of my neck, “back there and…”

Before I can finish my sentence, a series of honks pierce the morning sunlight. Stepping back to my front door, I’m not surprised in the least when I see another sister get out of the car, followed very closely by Grandma.

“I tried to call her,” Meghan says, nodding towards Grandma. “But she didn’t answer.”

Yet to find out what in the hell is going on, I open the door and let the two newcomers in. Grandma gives me a stern look at first, but then her eyes change into something else as she slowly scrutinizes my exposed body. It’s delight and appreciation and eagerness. It’s slightly unsettling.

“Young man, is my granddaughter here?” she asks, her eyes still focused down on my shorts.

“Uh, Jaime? Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh thank God! I thought she was lying dead in an alley somewhere!” Emma exclaims dramatically.