Chapter Nine


I follow him back inside the condo, my hand tucked securely inside his. Even though I was invited in for a drink, I’m certain that this night will lead to other things. Naked things. The lustful look in his eyes is unmistakable. It’s a look that has been there since I stepped onto his porch when I arrived. His eyes are filled with desire and need, and I’m all too worried that mine have reflected much of the same.

I’m nowhere near ready to jump headfirst into the deep end of a relationship, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy something casual, right? I mean, sex doesn’t equal love and marriage. Sex is fun. Sex is great. And it’s been a long time since I’ve indulged in the spontaneous side of dating.

The living room is little and quaint, and decorated far better than I expected. Remembering what Gavin’s place was like before I moved in, a small spaced filled with clutter and worn furniture, I’m pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness and style of Ryan’s place.

A large bookshelf adorns one wall, and I’m drawn to his selection of paperbacks. Mostly mysteries or thrillers, I’m shocked when I find a copy of one of my favorite books, “The Notebook” by Nicholas Sparks.

I turn to find Ryan’s sheepish eyes diverted and the corner of his lips turned upward. “My sister. It’s her favorite book so for my birthday this past winter, she sent me a copy as a joke. Said it would help me find someone who was worthy of my time. In other words, someone not like Sara.”

I return my attention to the paperback, and gently remove it from the shelf. The spine is crinkled just a bit, proving that this copy has been opened, and probably read, several times. “It looks well read. You read it, didn’t you?” I ask, looking at him over my shoulder.

“I cannot confirm nor deny your claim,” he states, walking over and gently taking the book from my hands.

“Why not?” I ask, huskily, when I realize he’s standing close. So very close. His front is almost touching my back in an intimate way, and I catch myself before I can sway backwards just a fraction of an inch until I feel his body pressed against mine.

“Would you think less of me as a man if I told you I read it?” he asks, his sexy voice deep and gravelly.


“Then I’ve read it five times. When they die together at the end? That gets me every time.” He gives me a pointed look before continuing. “But if you tell my sister that, I’ll have to kill you,” he adds with a wink and that slight upturn of a single corner of his lips.

Ryan turns me around and tosses the paperback onto the couch. His fingers thread into my hair, the movement both sensual and possessive. Beautiful, full lips hover directly over mine. Neither of us speak yet completely conveying our thoughts and intents with our eyes. They’re hungry and full of passion and devour me whole.

“I want to kiss you,” he whispers, his lips slowly inching towards mine.

“I want you to kiss me.”

The words are barely past my lips when he makes his move. The kiss is greedy and hungry, sparking a fierce desire within my body, leaving absolutely no room for thought to enter my mind. I’m lost, completely gone, in this one, perfect kiss.

Keeping one hand firmly entangled in my hair, he slides his other hand down to my lower back, pushing up his sweatshirt. His fingers dig gently into my skin as he pulls me forward, flush against an unforgiving wall of muscle.

His tongue urges my mouth open by sliding against the seam of my lips. Reflexively, I grant him access and moan when his warm tongue slides seductively against mine. My fingers grip the back of his shirt, rooting me into place while I hang on for dear life.

And in a way, I am.

This kiss is powerful. Uncontrollable.

“Jaime, I want you. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything before in my entire life. I want to take you to bed more than I want my next fucking breath of air.” Ryan’s teeth gently nip at my kiss-swollen lips, drawing me further into his spellbinding gaze. “Please say you feel the same way.”

His voice is raspy, his eyes cloudy with longing and lust. His self-control is slipping, right before my eyes, and it’s a powerful feeling, knowing that I’m the cause of such a strong reaction for a man like Ryan Elson.

I don’t even think, I speak. “I want you, too. Just as badly.”

Before I know it, I’m lifted off the ground, my legs automatically wrapping around his waist, and I’m lead backwards, presumably towards his bedroom. His hands are wrapped around my rear, holding me in place while he steps into a darkened room.

Guess we’re passing on the drinks.

Ryan’s lips devour mine in a bruising kiss as my fingers work overtime to remove the clothing barriers between us. Craving the feel of his skin against me, I’m clawing at his polo, anxious to rid him of the offending shirt. Unfortunately, with the shirt tucked into his jeans and my body wrapped around him, that stupid shirt is going nowhere.

Sensing my eagerness, he gently sets me down. My legs are wobbly and my heart is tripping over itself with excitement as I watch him untuck his shirt and remove it quickly in one fluid motion, that sexy ability that only men seem to possess.

With the shirt gone, I’m finally able to ogle my fill at the broad chest and hard, muscular planes of his amazing physique. He’s perfection. I’ve never seen a chest like Ryan’s. Shoulders, pecs, and abs so gloriously firm that my mouth literally hangs open as if my jaw is hinged. This is a man who works manual labor every day, not someone who spends hours in a gym.

He stands still for several sexually tense filled moments letting me look my fill before smiling and reaching for me. First, he removes his sweatshirt that I’ve been wearing, followed quickly by my dress. Pulling me into his arms, he slowly slides the zipper downward, the skim of the teeth echoing through the room much louder than normal.