Keeping contact between her lips and mine, I start to ease back. I’m in desperate need of a little distance between her soft body and my own. I caress her swollen lips and crack my eyes open. It only takes a few seconds to completely memorize the euphoric look on her face: her bee-stung lips, her rosy cheeks, and the way her eyelids flutter, combined, it’s a memory I’ll happily carry with me to bed tonight.

“I’m sorry I didn’t kiss you earlier. I wanted to. God, I wanted to so damn bad, but I was trying to be polite.”

Her eyes flutter open. They’re hazy and dilated as she focuses on my face. “I’m glad you came back.”

The words are soft and lust-infused and do dangerous things to my body. They’re full of heat and desire, and I’ll be damned if I don’t want to start that kiss all over again.

“I should go. Thank you for tonight. I’m going to call you, Jaime.”

“Okay,” she whispers.

With one final kiss, I pull back and head back to my truck, this time with a little extra spring in my step. As I slide back into the cab, I find the keys I dropped on the floor and start it up. Jaime remains on the porch, her arms wrapped around a post as she watches me back out of the driveway. I sit at the edge of the road for several seconds as we both gaze through the darkness at each other.

A smile spreads across my lips as I pull away and head towards my place, the memory of that amazing kiss still playing through my mind. That was my kinda kiss. It’s a memory I’m sure to relive multiple times as I end up taking my dick in my hand to relieve the ache.

Yeah, it’s definitely going to be a long night.