I hear the words she’s saying, but I don’t see it. My eyes devour her ample chest, the arc of her hips, and the lushness of her body. Jaime is one hundred percent all woman. “Well, looks like you had the last laugh,” I state bluntly.

When my eyes crash into hers, her cheeks are a sexy shade of pink. “I guess,” she adds shyly. “Anyway, they called me James up until I left town for college.”

I study her from the corner of my eye as she finishes off her own dish of vanilla with fudge. She seems pensive as she looks down at her empty bowl. Her eyebrows arch and little wrinkles furrow around her eyes. Even when she’s deep in thought, she’s stunning.

“And just so you know, there was no breakdown.”

I smile over at her to try to ease her worry. Jaime seems like the type who carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, but doesn’t seem to be recovering from any sort of mental breakdown. “Okay.”

“Okay? You’re just going to take my word for it that I didn’t go crazy and freak out?”

“Yep. Do you know why?” I ask, moving my bowl away and reaching for her hand. She shakes her head, so I continue. “Because I trust you.”

“You do?” Her words are full of surprise and happiness.

“Yep. Even if you did, it’s not my place to judge. Maybe someday you’ll feel comfortable enough to tell me the story about the breakup. Until then, I’ll take as much of your time as I could get from you.”

And that’s the God honest truth. There’s something about this woman that does it for me. I’d never admit this aloud, but she has me picturing white picket fences, three kids, and a cat. It’s scary and exhilarating at the same time. Especially because I don’t like cats.

After ice cream, we enjoy coffee and plenty of conversation right there at our booth. We talk about everything: my business, her work at the flower shop, some of our college stories, and even a bit of our childhoods. She’s easy to talk to, and if it weren’t for the ice cream shop reaching its closing time, we could probably sit and chat for the better part of the night.

We visit for a little more while we head back to her house. I’m not ready for the night to end, but it’s after ten, and I don’t want to push my luck. Jaime’s quiet as I pull into her driveway and shut off my truck. With leaded feet, I head around to the passenger side and help her from the big vehicle.

Neither of us says a word as I guide her up the walkway, my hand protectively and possessively resting on her lower back. Standing on her front porch, the night air wrapped around us as the crickets chirp and the waves crash in the nearby Bay, I long to wrap my arms around her slender body and lose myself in a kiss.

But I won’t. Not tonight.

The gentleman’s rules of dating state that making out like school kids shouldn’t come until at least the second date. Of course, this is a rule I’ve never followed up to this point. At all. But something tells me, with Jaime, I need to take this nice and easy. No need to ram my tongue down her throat and risk scaring her off for good.

“Thank you for going to dinner with me. I had a great time.”

Eager green eyes stare up at me as she answers, “I had a great time, too.”

I step forward and give her a polite kiss on the cheek. It’s nowhere near enough to tide me over until date number two, but it’ll have to do. Her cheek is warm against my lips, and a slight gasp echoes through the night. Her fresh, floral scent tickles my senses and causes all blood in my body to one concentrated area in my pants. It’s that moment that I long to throw her over my shoulder, carry her off to the nearest bed, and have my wicked way with her.

Again, but I won’t.

“I’ll call you,” I state.

With herculean strength I didn’t realize I possessed, I step back. Slowly, I move and start to descend the stairs. Jaime remains rooted in place as I slide into the cab of my truck. I watch as Jaime slowly turns and opens the screen door. She gives one last glance over her shoulder towards my truck before slipping inside.

The look on her face was a mixture of disappointment and longing. Sitting in my truck for several minutes, I replay a fast-forwarded version of the entire evening, right up until I said goodbye. My gut tightens painfully as realization sets in. I put that look there. She thought I was walking away, clearly not aware of my attempt at politeness. Knowing instantly that I made what could clearly be one of the biggest mistakes of my life, I pull the keys out of the ignition, dropping them on the floorboard, and jump out.

My legs move swiftly as I all but sprint up the sidewalk and head towards the front door. Before I reach the top of the stairs, the light flips on and the door opens. Jaime looks concerned as she hesitantly pushes the screen door and steps back into the night.

“Is everything o-” she starts, but my lips cut her off.

My hands dive into her long, brown hair, as my lips taste hers for the first time. I feel her slender fingers grasp my side as I run my tongue along the seam of her lips, seeking just a little taste of her sweet mouth. When she opens her mouth, I slip inside, reveling in the feel of her warm, wet tongue sliding against mine. I fight off the groan that threatens to erupt from my soul.

Jaime burns my flesh through my shirt as she wraps her hands around my back, gripping my shirt and hanging on for dear life. I maneuver my hands down, holding her firmly by the jaw and lacing my fingers into the hair behind her ears. The angle is perfect to deepen the kiss, so that’s what I do.

Fingers flex against me as I pull her body flush against mine. Jaime purrs like a cat as I frame her legs with my own. She’s soft and curvy to my hard and unforgiving. And I’m not talking entirely about what’s happening in my pants. Her body melts into me. The slide of her tongue, the nip of her teeth, and the taste of her mouth are like lightning that rips through my bloodstream. I’m consumed like never before, and I want nothing more than everything this kiss promises.

And it does.

This kiss is the start of something. Something great.

But now isn’t the time for all of that. As much as I’d like to see where this kiss goes, I just can’t let it.