Chapter Six


As soon as I see Sara heading this direction, the wood I was sporting under the table while watching Jaime enjoy her food dies a quick, painful death. Out of all the restaurants in town, why in the hell does she have to be in the same one I’m in on my first date with Jaime? I’ve been fortunate enough to barely run into her since the break-up–it’s not like we run in the same circles–so why in all things holy is she strutting up to my table now with a Cheshire cat grin and a gleam in her eyes that scream trouble.

“Well, look who we have here,” she coos as she closes the distance until she’s standing close enough that I can smell her expensive perfume. “If it isn’t my friend Ryan Elson. How have you been?” she asks, bending down and offering me a cheek. It’s tempting as all fuck to ignore her gesture, especially when she’s dropping four inches of exposed cleavage in my face.

Been there, done that. Wasn’t worth the t-shirt.

I give her a polite, chaste kiss on the cheek out of courtesy to the patrons around us. I’m not one to cause a scene, especially while on a first date with a woman I had to work my ass off at securing in the first place. When she lingers a little too long while bent over me, I clear my throat and pull back. My eyes lock on the shocked green ones of my date.

“Sara, it was very nice to see you again.” Lie. “But as you can see, I’m enjoying dinner tonight with a friend.”

Sara turns and stares at Jaime for several heartbeats as if trying to place her. “Oh my gosh! Is that James? I haven’t seen you since graduation!” Sara screeches in that fake, overzealous, completely irritating and overly exaggerating tone that makes my skin crawl.

My eyebrows shoot skyward. The mortification mixed with anger is written all over Jaime’s face, instantly pissing me off on her behalf. Obviously, these two know each other, and if I’m reading the scene accurately, I’d say it wasn’t a pleasant knowing.

“Sara,” Jaime mumbles through gritted teeth.

“Wow, you look good! So, like, you’re back in town now, right? I heard all about your episode. I’m so sorry,” Sara purrs sympathetically as she drops her hand onto Jaime’s forearm. But I see the malice lying just below the surface. It wasn’t something I was able to define for the first part of our relationship, but towards the end, I was always able to see the bitchy, condescending side that she tried to hide.

“Episode?” Jaime asks, the hand holding her glass stopping halfway to her mouth.

“Yeah, the breakdown. I heard all about the guy who left you at the altar and stuff. I can’t believe that happened to you. I mean, who does something so mean?”

It takes everything I have not to crawl across the table and wring Sara’s boney little neck. Jaime’s eyes drop to her plate and refuse to move. Her chest rises drastically, as if she’s fighting off her emotions. Could be anger, could be despair. Could be a little of both.

Either way, I’m done with this conversation.

“Listen, Sara, we’re enjoying dinner right now. I’m sure you don’t want to keep your friend waiting. Thank you for stopping by the table.” I don’t say a word about it being nice to see her, because it wasn’t. Not after the stunt she just pulled with Jaime.

“I’m sure I’ll be seeing you both around town. It’s not like anyone can hide in a small town,” she smirks before wiggling her fingers and flitting away.

For the first time, the silence is awkward between us. Jaime still refuses to look up from her plate, and leaves me uneasy and filled with uncertainty. I don’t like it.

“Can I ask you something?” I finally ask, her beautiful green eyes finally looking up for the first time in several long minutes. Her slight nod encourages me to continue. “Are we getting dessert here or over at Ice Cream Emporium?”

My question seems to shock her as the surprise registers on her gorgeous face. She opens her mouth, but no words come out. I don’t hide my grin. Jaime probably thought our date was essentially over when my ex showed up, but she’d be wrong. If anything, I’m invigorated to discover more about this complex, shy woman, if not completely determined to peel away each individual layer until I discover the real woman beneath.

Dropping my napkin onto my plate and a few bills on the table to cover the check, I extend my hand towards her. She’s hesitant at first, but her eyes flash grateful as she takes my hand and stands up.


Sharing a booth, I dip my spoon into her hot fudge sundae while she steals a bite of my strawberry shortcake. The way she licks and sucks on her spoon causes a stir in my pants once more. I never thought eating could be so damn sexy until I’ve watched Jaime Summer lick melted ice cream off a spoon.

“So, aren’t you going to ask me about what Sara said at the restaurant?”



“I figured if you wanted to tell me, you would,” I say as I take a big bite of strawberries.

Jaime’s silent for several seconds as if contemplating whether or not she wants to speak. “James was a stupid nickname I was given early in high school. I don’t remember who started it, but Sara was the one who latched onto it and made sure everyone used it.”

“What does it mean?” I ask.

“I was a late bloomer so they called me James because I resembled a boy. It didn’t matter that I had long hair. I had no boobs, no butt, and was as curvy as a two by four.”