“This is my grandpa, Orval, and of course, you’ve already met my grandma, Emma.” My voice flutters with nerves that I’m sure everyone on this side of the Bay could hear.

“Of course he remembers me,” Grandma says, stepping forward and wrapping her slender arms around Ryan’s broad waist. “Who can forget Grandma,” she quips while hugging him a bit too long. Again.

In true Grandma fashion, I’m horrified when she not so subtly reaches down and pinches his butt. Mortification snakes up my face and down my chest, burning me until I’m left wishing I would actually burst into flames.

There’s no way this could get any worse, right?

“Emma, quit copping a feel on the poor young man. If you’re wanting to feel something firm, I’ve got just the thing,” Grandpa remarks.

I was wrong. It can get so much worse. My face surely rivals the color of a fire truck as I gape, wordlessly, at the people who helped raise me.

“It’s such a nice rear, though,” Grandma says brightly as she finally steps away, releasing her hold on my date’s ass. “That’s important, Jaime. Your grandpa had the best rear end this side of the Atlantic Ocean when I met him.”

To my utter humiliation, Grandpa sticks his ass out just enough to give Grandma an unobstructed view to ogle, then he starts to move. It’s an odd twerking motion combined with some sort of leg stretching. But when she smacks it, that’s when I know it’s time for Ryan and I to get the hell out of dodge!

“Come on,” I mumble, taking Ryan’s warm hand in mine and pulling him towards the door.

“It was very nice meeting you all,” he says as I drag him towards freedom.

Grandpa gives a friendly wave. “You too, son. Oh, you have protection, right?”

That stops us both in our tracks.

I’m terrified to turn around. I send up a silent plea that Ryan suddenly developed acute deafness and totally missed the statement.

“Uh,” he starts, his hand tightly squeezing my own.

“Let’s just go before he offers us one of his and feels the need to demonstrate,” I whisper, both of us staring at the exit just inches away.

Robotically, Ryan opens the screen door and waits for me to walk through first. I’m stunned speechless, sure that our first date is over before it even began. I mean, really? Who would blame him for suddenly developing a stomach virus or a severe case of bronchitis? Not me, that’s for sure. If I were in his shoes, I’d be tearing out of the driveway right now, not bothering to look back.

When we reach the porch, I steel my back, ready for the brushoff I’m sure is about to come. But as I stare up at the clear sky, I’m greeted with only silence. Ryan, still gripping my hand, starts to laugh. Before I can ask what in the world he could ever find funny about this situation, the door behind us opens.

“Take me with you?” Dad asks as he steps outside, his voice laced with humor.

“That was so embarrassing,” I mumble, still unable to meet Ryan’s eyes.

“They’re like this all the time. It’s like living with newlyweds.” My dad turns towards Ryan. “I apologize for the behavior of my in-laws, Ryan. I’d like to think that old age affected their filters, but I don’t remember either of them ever having one.”

Ryan laughs again, and my dad smiles. It’s a genuine smile, one that I don’t see near as much as I used to. Oh, he masks it well and puts on a good show, but it’s not the same. Not since my mom died.

“You kids go have fun,” he says as he sticks his hand towards Ryan once more. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Ryan. I hope to see you again soon.”

I hold my breath, trapped in the trance of their conversation.

“It was a pleasure, sir. And I really hope to see you again, as well. In fact,” Ryan says, turning and smiling at me. “I’m sure this won’t be the last time.”

The sincerity and honesty in his words strike me like a bolt of lightning. His insinuation that he’ll be seeing me–and my family–much more isn’t lost on me. In fact, it warms my chest and sends butterflies fluttering in the pit of my stomach.

My dad nods his head and steps back. “Call me Brian.”

On autopilot, I’m pulled along by Ryan’s hand towards his awaiting truck. The fact that he still wants to spend time with me is far more shocking than the awkwardness that my grandparents just bestowed upon me.

When we reach the vehicle, Ryan opens the door, but doesn’t let go of my hand. I finally find the capability to make eye contact, and when I do, I’m greeted by brightly shining brown eyes. They twinkle like stars in the clear night sky.

I’m pulled from his gaze by the feel of his calloused thumb running along my knuckles. Tingles of awareness race through my body while goosebumps speckle my arms, even beneath my sweater. With a wink of his uber-sexy eyebrow, Ryan finally releases my hand and heads around to the driver’s side of his Chevy.

We’re heading into the heart of Jupiter Bay before he finally speaks. “Your family is amazing.”