Page 82 of The Beauty in Grace

I refuse to go into detail. I don’t want him to know everything. If I can keep him and Luke from knowing the gritty details, I think I can have something of a relationship with them. A relationship with people who don’t know the extent of everything I’ve been through is what I need right now. I don’t want to be looked at like every move I’m making is the wrong one.

“Okay, Gracie, where are you?” he asks, finally giving in.

“I don’t know.” I look around and find a street name on the corner, but the letters are faded.

“What are you near? Anything?” he presses, now sounding a little frustrated on his end.

“Um, the store. It’s a little market store. I was just there. It’s right around the corner.”

He speaks to someone on the other side of the phone, but his hand must be covering the receiver, or he stepped away because I can’t understand his words.

“Text me what market store it is so I don’t forget, and I’ll be right there. Don’t go anywhere, Gracie, got it?”

“Yes,” I agree, and we hang up.

I can hear the chatter echoing in the air as I edge back towards the corner. I don’t want to be anywhere near that group and what they could possibly, and no doubt, would do to me given a chance. Growing up with a cop as a father, I’ve heard way too many stories for my liking. I know better than to put myself right smack in front of them, alone and vulnerable. So, I decide to stick to the shadows and out of their line of sight as I text Jasper.



“What’re you doing, Owen?” Donna’s voice interrupts the rampant thoughts running through my mind, and I stop what I’m doing but don’t face her. “Come on, please, you can’t leave now.”

I toss one of my shirts into my suitcase and finally turn to face her. “Give me one damn good reason I shouldn’t leave, Donna.”

Her face pales, and she fidgets, tugging at her shirt and licking her lips profusely. “You – you just can’t.”

I cock an eyebrow and shake my head, turning back to continue my packing. Donna’s silent, but I know she’s still behind me. She isn’t going to let me go easily. She never has. She’s always fought for me to stick by her side; I think I understand it now. It’s the money. The assholes I’ve caught her with plenty of times have never held down a stable job. Half of them were fucking drug dealers.

That is why I’m leaving. I just know that Donna has something to do with what’s going on with Gracie. Exactly how, I don’t know. I don’t have solid evidence; therefore, it’s hearsay, but I’m not sticking around.

“Owen, I’m pregnant,” she blurts out.

I turn to face her again, unamused by this tactic. “Is it mine?”

She bites her bottom lip, chewing, and shrugs, casting her eyes down. “Most likely,” she mumbles, and I roll my eyes at the low sound of her voice.

I know better than to take the bait. “Fine. I want a DNA test when it's born. If it’s mine, I’ll be part of its life, but I am seriously done with you, Donna.”

Her blue eyes flash up to me, blinking profusely, her bottom lip jutting out. I have no heart for her right now. Compared to Gracie, Donna is the worst girlfriend I’ve ever had. Gracie was all up in drugs and booze but didn’t cheat. Cheating is filthy and nasty. Donna is a serial cheater, and I’m just honestly fucking done with it.

Donna crosses her arms over her chest, glowering at me. “You won’t have anything to do with it if you don’t stay with me.”

I turn and zip my suitcase up. “I’ll get a court order then. Don’t try me, Donna, seriously. I’m done with this crap.”

“I’m sorry for cheating, Owen, I really am. It’s a mental disorder. I can’t help it! I’ll get help, though; I’ll go to a therapist—”

Her words falter when I turn to face her again and step towards her, towering a good head taller than her, so I have to look down at her. “Don’t you fucking dare,” I snarl at her. “Seriously. Don’t even fucking try now, Donna. It’s too fucking late.”

Donna cowers slightly and steps back, squaring her shoulders as she juts out her chin. “This isn’t fair what you’re doing, Owen. I can’t survive without you. I can’t be a single mother!"

I shrug. “Should’ve thought about that,” I turn back to grab my things but am stopped as she grabs my wrist.

I look down, grimacing at her nails as they dig into my skin. I tug my arm, shaking her off. Surprisingly, she doesn’t fight against me. Normally, she fights when I’m about ready to leave. Somehow, she always convinces me to stick around, just a little bit longer. Not this time. I won’t let her this time. I can’t let her this time. I’m so fucking tired. I want to stop being so damn angry all the time, and the only way I can do that is if I walk away from Donna. She does nothing but make me angry, and it's Gracie that I take it out on. Because while I’m still pissed at Gracie for everything she did, I’m not as ticked off at her as I am with Donna.

I sure know how to pick them.

But it’s like my mother said, I’m in love with Gracie, and I just keep trying to deny it.